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WSHS robotics team seeks donations to attend world tourney April 15-19

WSHS VEX team #1575, will be traveling to compete in the VEX World Championship to be held in Louisville, KY on April 15-19 and is seeking support in the amount of $10,000 from the community through Go Fund Me to offset travel expenses.

WSHS has come a long way since its first and only tournament in 2009 when a small team of 2 students finished dead last with 1 small robot made of borrowed parts.  Now, WSHS is ready to make its fourth consecutive appearance at the VEX World Championships with the best robots the students have ever built.

Carlos Castro, PLTW Lead Instructor, leader and mentor to the team is quoted as saying in a press release, “WSHS is proud of all of its robotics students.  For the last seven months, they have been meeting for two to three hours almost every day after school, on weekends, and during school breaks to be able to build the best robots possible.”

Castro, robotics team advisor, may be reached at 703-497-8028 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

The 2014-15 team of 51 students was divided into eight squads that were tasked to build a robot that could compete in the VEX SkyRise challenge.  Since late August, the squads have met to brainstorm and prototype designs and test code.

WSHS accomplished an amazing feat–with all eight squads earning a spot in the state tournament.  That made WSHS Robotics eight of the 46 teams competing at the Virginia State Fairgrounds Feb. 20-21.

In this two day state tournament, hosted by NOVA SySTEMic Solutions, WSHS robots matched wits with the best robots in the commonwealth.  In the end, the WSHS Robotics Team made it to the finals and just lost out to the 2014 championship team, which now qualifies WSHS for four spots in the world tournament April 15-19 in Louisville, Ky.

To raise funds for the World Championship trip, the team has started a Go Fund Me online fundraising campaign at and hopes to raise the $10,000 needed through support from the local community.

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