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Volunteers needed in the greater Prince William community -  Aug. 25, 2015

Good Morning Prince William – Mark your calendars for a fun trip and service project on the National Mall- JFK Hockey field on Sunday September 10th or Monday September 11th to support the AARP Meal Pack Challenge! Come spend a few hours between 8am-4:30pm to assemble food packages for frail seniors in the greater DC area.  Please register at:  In just 2 hours you can help 166 seniors- wow.

Project Mend-a-House is looking for volunteers who love to fix stuff join their great teams.  Both skilled and unskilled handymen and women are needed. These great folks are also registering individuals in the new Chronic Disease Self-Management Program starting in September in both Manassas and Woodbridge. Please call (703) 792-7663 or visit their website: to learn more.

Youth for Tomorrow is looking for male mentors to share your time with young guys for two hours a week.  Many of these kids don’t have a dad active in their lives and you can make a huge difference in the lives of a kid.  Please apply on line at: or call Ms. Wilks at (571) 432-8312 for more info.

Care Net cordially invites you to its volunteer fair on Saturday September 16th 10am-12noon.  Volunteer job include client advocates, medical volunteers, church ambassadors and more.  Call (703) 330-4572 to learn more.

Serve our Willing Warriors (SOWW) is looking for Ambassadors and Guest Services Support Team members.  SOWW was founded to help support our Nation’s wounded, injured or ill military members. They provide an enjoyable respite experience for our recovering warriors, their families, and their caretakers in a warm, home-like atmosphere. For detailed information on each of these positions, please contact Kimberly at: or 571-248-2213 and be sure to visit their website: The n.ext volunteer orientations is September 21stst, 6-7pm.  They also have two events coming up including their 5th Annual Golf Tournament on September 18th and their Annual Gala on November 4th at the MGM National Harbor.

Literacy Volunteers has a great opportunity for those wanting to help adults improve their literacy skills! The next Tutor Training Workshop will be held September 9 and September 23, all day both dates. No previous experience required, but volunteers must attend both sessions. For more information, please call 703-670-5702.

Manassas and Bull Run Rotary Clubs supporting the great work at SERVE needs tons of volunteers for the Lou Maroon Golf Tournament on Wednesday September 13th at the Evergreen Country Club. Jobs include check-in of teams, run the putting contest, sell raffle tickets, take photos and greet golfers as they tee off. Volunteers need to be at least 18 years old and be able to stand for the 2-3 hour shift. Shifts are 9am-12pm, 12-2:30pm and 2:30-5pm. come join the fun for a fabulous cause.  Please call Navara at (571) 748-2536 to learn more.

Mark your calendar for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday October 21st at the Harris Pavilion. Volunteers are needed with event set-up, clean-up, refreshments, route monitoring and much more. Please email Ben at: to learn more.

MADD Northern VA is having their annual walk to end drunk driving on Saturday November 11th at Burke Lake Park. Please visit their website for all the info-

Volunteer Prince William’s Disaster Services Program is looking for people to help deliver emergency preparedness information to the public through a variety of outreach programs. Most activities will occur during regular business hours so this would be a great deal for retirees. September is National Disaster Preparedness Month! Contact Bonnie to learn more:

Our Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is still looking for volunteers for the Area Agency on Aging’s Meal on Wheels program You can sign up for a regular day or be a substitute driver. It is easy to do just by picking up a few meals at the Senior Center kitchens in Manassas or Woodbridge and delivering to your route. Bring joy and combat hunger among our seniors! If you are age 55+ contact Jan at 571-292-5307 to be part of the RSVP team. Adults 54 and under please phone Reede at 703-792-6413.

If you are looking for other opportunities, call my wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William.  Jan can help you with the Retired and Senior Volunteer (RSVP) opportunities at (703) 369-5292 ext. 1, Shelley can help with any individual or group project and send you weekly updates if you’d like.  Shelley is at (703) 369-5292 ext. 0, and Bonnie can help you with opportunities available in Disaster Preparedness at (703) 369-5292 ext. 3.  Please visit our newly revamped website at  Than.ks so much for all you do in our community.

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