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Volunteers are needed in our community 9/27/13

Good morning Prince William – Area Agency on Aging needs volunteers to be the front desk receptionist at the Senior Center Adult Day Center in Woodbridge and the Senior center in Manassas.  Volunteer shifts are 2-4 hours, once a week in either the morning or afternoon.  Duties include friendly customer service as well as answering the phones and offer tours of the facility.  This is wonderful way to meet new friends. Please call Melodee at (703) 792-4583 to learn more.

Come visit our Volunteer Prince William booth at the Manassas Jubilee on Saturday October 5th from 10am-5pm.  We will have lots of info on events and volunteer opportunities.  Shelley and I will be at the Harris Pavilion site. Please stop by!

SERVE needs volunteers for its super fun Empty Bowls event on Friday October 11th.  If you are available during the day, volunteers are needed to pick up the handcrafted bowls as well as donated food from area restaurants and event set up.  The event is 5-8pm and volunteers are needed in the dining room as well as clean-up after the event.  Teens age 16+ are very welcome.  Please email Jan to learn more.

The SPCA needs 10-15 volunteers on Saturday October 12th to refurbish the dog runs at the Manassas City Adoption Center.  Duties include helping spread new gravel.  Please bring shovels, hard rakes and gloves if you have them.  This is a wonderful project for scouts with supervision.  Please report at 9:30am. Please sign up for this event

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is looking for volunteers age 55+ to be mentors at Pattie Elementary School on route 234.  Visit a child during the school day to help with an activity or school work.  You can be a huge influence on a child in a short period of time.  Please call Coleen at (571) 292-5307 for more info.

Hey scouts and teens- ACTS would love your help in securing recycled grocery bags for the food pantry.  Look around your school or neighborhood to collect this valuable little item so families in need have proper bags to take their groceries home.  You can drop them off at the ACTS Pantry or call Robin at (703) 441-8606 ext. 213 for more info.

Warm Fuzzies Animal Rescue needs volunteers to help in the office with bookkeeping and fundraising or working directly with the kittens through fostering or socializing with them. Also needed are large metal dog crates for events. Please email Lorie at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to learn more.

The Alzheimer’s Association Annual Walk is Saturday October 19th.  Volunteers are needed now to distribute promotion flyers throughout the community.  Lots of volunteers are needed on race day for registration, staff the refreshment area, giving direction to walkers on the route, and face painting.  This is fun event for a super cause.  Please call Sonya at (703) 766-9025 to learn more.

Bull Run Street Rods are meeting at the route 28 Burger King on Saturday October 19th from 4-8pm to collect toys for the Un-Trim-A-Tree Holiday Gift program.  Come meet the club members, the Sheriff’s Office volunteers and the members of the Prince William Cruisers and bring a toy for a kid in need.  Call Dennis at (703) 569-6897 for more info.

You won’t want to miss the 3rd Annual I Walk for ACTS event also on Saturday October 19th.  Walker’s registration is just $20.  It’s a super fun community day at Merchant’s Park from 10am-2pm and of course for a great cause.  Please call Robin at (703) 441-8606 ext. 213 for more info.

PWC Animal Control Bureau needs volunteers on Saturday October 26th and Sunday October 27th for the Annual Fall 4 Fur Adopt-a-Thon.  This fun event runs all day.  This fun community day has a costume contest and children’s activities.  Please email Beate for more info.

Please mark your calendar for Saturday November 9th to join the American Heart Association Heart Walk on the National Mall.  Please visit the website at: to learn more.

If you are looking for other opportunities, remember to call my wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William.  Coleen can help you with the Retired and Senior Volunteer (RSVP) opportunities at (703) 369-5292 ext. 207, Shelley can help with any individual or group project and send you weekly updates if you’d like.  Shelley is at (703) 369-5292 ext. 201, and Bonnie can help you with opportunities available in Disaster Preparedness at (703) 369-5292 ext. 202.  Please visit our newly re-vamped website at  Than.ks so much for all you do in our community.

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