April 4, 2013
Lecture: 1st Minnesota Actions in Prince William County
7pm; Free, donations accepted
Historian, James Owens, will present a detailed look into the 1st Minnesota, focusing on the battle of 1st Manassas in July of 1861 and the battle of Bristoe Station in October of 1863.
Old Manassas Courthouse, 9246 Lee Street, Manassas, VA. 703-792-4754
April 6, 2013
Historic Myths Tour
11am – 4pm; fee, free for children under six
The mortgage button on the end of a stair-handrail, the whistle walk, and kitchens being built separate as a fire prevention measure. If you’ve been to many museums chances are you’ve probably heard one of these myths at some point. In honor of the upcoming April’s Fools Day, join Ben Lomond staff on a humorous myth-busting tour of the site. Tours start on the hour with the last tour at 4 p.m.
Ben Lomond Historic Site, 10321 Sudley Manor Dr., Manassas, VA. 703-367-7872
April 6, 2013
CWPT Annual Park Clean Up Day – Bristoe Station Battlefield
8am – 12pm; Join the staff at Bristoe Station Battlefield and the Civil War Preservation Trust at History for Park Day 2012. Park Day is a nationwide event that encourages Civil War enthusiasts to help maintain, restore and preserve Civil War sites through volunteerism. Come out and join us for a fun and rewarding day of work at Bristoe Battlefield. Projects will include litter pick up, cleaning cemeteries and trail maintenance throughout the 133-acre park. Wear sturdy work shoes, bring gloves and remember sunscreen. Tools and snacks will be provided. Meet in the parking lot off Iron Brigade Avenue. Please no pets.
Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park, The parking lot is located off of Iron Brigade Unit Ave., Bristow, VA. 703-366-3049
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Historic Preservation Talk and Hard Hat Tour of the Jail (Sponsored by HPF)
1pm – 3pm; fee, reservations required, not for children under 16
This program will introduce the participant to the idea of “historic preservation” and cover such topics as what makes a building worth saving, examples of saved buildings in the county, and why historic preservation is important, especially for the environment. Visitors will have an opportunity to go inside the jail during the restoration process focusing on the masonry and if possible the archaeological side of preservation as well, ex., Dovetail.
Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre 12229 Bristow Rd., Bristow, VA. 703-365-7895
April 6 and 20
Potomac Blockade Boat Tour
10am-1pm; fee
Cruise along the Potomac River shoreline and view sites that were critical to the Confederate forces’ successful blockade of Washington D.C. from September 1861 through March 1862. Local historians will discuss the significance of the Blockade and of the gun batteries and camps that supported the Confederate efforts. The cruise will include the preserved batteries at Freestone Point and Possum Nose, as well as Evansport and Shipping Point. Tour includes sandwiches and departs from Leesylvania State Park in Woodbridge.
Reservations Required Call 703-792-4754
April 11, 2013
Lecture: The Grey Ghost, John S. Mosby
7pm; Free, donations accepted
John S. Mosby formed the 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry also known as Mosby’s Rangers in 1863. Author and historian, David Goetz, will present an overview of the units’ development and exploits throughout the Civil War and Mosby’s life after the war. Copies of his latest book, Hell is Being a Republican in Virginia; will be available for purchase and signing.
Old Manassas Courthouse, 9246 Lee Street, Manassas, VA. 703-792-4754
April 13-14, 2013
Muster Days
9am- 4pm; fee, free for children under six
Join living historians as they interpret soldiers from the Army of Northern Virginia during the pivotal days in the spring of 1863. Join soldiers as they camp, guard against enemy reconnaissance, and witness a large company drill in person!
Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre 12229 Bristow Rd., Bristow, VA. 703-365-7895
April 18, 2013
Lecture: William Howe
7pm; Free, donations accepted
Howe is best known for leading the British assault on the colonial forces in what we know as the battle of Bunker Hill and as the commander of British forces in America from 1776-1778. However, there is more to the life of this aristocratic soldier and his combat experiences than just the American Revolutionary War. This lecture will provide insight into Howe’s experiences in the French and Indian War, his guidance in helping the British Army develop light infantry tactics, as well as his involvement in the American Revolutionary War.
Kelly Leadership Center, Room 1101, 14715 Bristow Road, Independent Hill, VA.
April 20, 2013
Nature Trail Walk
1pm; fee, free for children under six
Take a guided tour along the nature trails at Brentsville and learn about the plants and animals that call this part of Virginia home.
Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre 12229 Bristow Rd., Bristow, VA. 703-365-7895
April 25, 2013
Lecture: The Tuskegee Airmen
7pm; Free, donations accepted
Jerry “Hawk” Burton, chairman of the East Coast Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen Inc. will give a presentation on the history of the Tuskegee Airmen, an African American Army Air Corps Fighter and Bombardment Group of World War II. The pioneering work of these airmen helped to pave the way for generations of African American’s in the United States military.
Old Manassas Courthouse, 9246 Lee Street, Manassas, VA, 703-792-4754
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