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Haymarket Quilters to host speakers in March and April

The Haymarket Chapter of Quilters Unlimited meets the first Thursday of every month at the Evergreen Firehouse on US15 in Haymarket, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Visitors and potential new members are always welcome.

At the March 6th meeting, Haymarket Quilters will welcome Kim Einmo, author and pattern designer, who will give a lecture on “Jelly Roll and Precuts: a recipe for success.” She’ll talk about creative designs for those great precut fabric bundles that are so popular right now!

On April 3rd Haymarket Quilters’ member Stevii Graves, a national quilt show judge and quilt artist, will give a lecture called “The Hex is on You!”

There is always a mini quilt show during Show and Tell time. For more information email

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