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Free Children’s Day Feb. 24 at Weems Botts Museum

Historic Dumfries invites “children of all ages” to celebrate African American History Month on Sunday, Feb. 24, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Weems Botts Museum, 3944 Cameron Street, Dumfries, VA 22026.

Learn about life in Historic Dumfries from Colonial time to the Civil War time.Make and take a quilt like one that would have been made by free and enslaved African Americans. Learn the “secret” language of quilts used in the “underground railroad.” Then sit back and enjoy a Washington’s Birthday Party of cake and ice-cream, the first president’s favorite treat?

Sponsored by PWC Historical Commission and Historic Dumfries, VA,  the free event will include a fun craft as well supplies and snacks. RSVP to Joann Barron at 703-221-2218 or e-mail:

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