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Arts benefactors support Manassas Ballet Theatre

Manassas Ballet Theatre, a local nonprofit organization, depends on corporate sponsors and local benefactors to produce performances.

Manassas Ballet has three components: the company of professional dancers, artistic director, ballet master, administrative and technical staff; the orchestra, which accompanies the dancers during performances; and the academy, which trains aspiring dancers.

All of these, according to Amy Grant Wolfe, artistic director, depend on tax donations to exist.

Although revenue is generated from tickets for productions, the profit does not begin to cover the cost of performances, which can ring in at about $100,000, Wolfe estimated. With four productions each year, along with rent, costumes and more, there are other costs too.

Wolfe said the Theatre’s sparkling reputation helps bring in donations. Since Manassas Ballet Theatre is the only professional ballet in Northern Virginia, many patrons enjoy supporting dance.

The fact that the Theatre calls the state-of-the-art Hylton Performing Arts Center home helps add name recognition too.

Wolfe many people donate to the Theatre, and she appreciates any donation amount. Many contributors, she noted, donate at least once a year to continually support the arts. In addition, many people contribute in memory of her son, Colin Wolfe, who was killed while serving in the military in Iraq in 2006. The Theatre’s many benefactors who provide annual contributions are listed in programs.

“We live in a great community,” Wolfe said. Many individuals and small businesses support the Theatre, which in turn supports the community by providing a professional dance offering.

Read the full story in the print version of the Observer.

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