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A gentle Christmas following the loss of a loved one

For anyone in the Manassas, Virginia area on Saturday, November 15th at 4 p.m. Prince William and Arlington Chapters of the Compassionate Friends are hosting A Gentle Christmas: Facing the Holidays Following a Loss Concert/Workshop by Paul Alexander at Buckhall United Methodist Church, 10251 Moore Drive, Manassas, VA 20111.

Alexander is a singer, songwriter, psychotherapist, author, actor and performing artist who has shared his music and message of hope throughout the United States and Canada

This combined program of Music and Holiday Grief Support. Integrating the Twelve Ways to Cope during the Holidays with inspirational and beautiful Christmas songs (without the bells) that will provide a perfect program balanced with education and the healing sounds of music, songs and inspiration to support and nurture.

It is informative as well as hopeful where the connection to our children is supported while finding permission to be true to our love and grief.

Paul Alexanders’ unique presentation and candlelighting ceremony will offer survival tips and coping techniques for the bereaved facing the holiday season. Drawing on his talents as a psychotherapist, nationally known presenter and singer/songwriter, Paul weaves his workshop/concert program with practical wisdom, advice , music and knowledge gained from his years of experience in working with the bereaved.

The program is good for the bereaved and also opens the audience to the power and presence of signs and hope while dealing with grief triggers that heighten during this time. according to a news release.

RSVP to Jennifer Malloch @ .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) by Wednesday, November 12th.  When you RSVP include the number of people attending and put Concert/Workshop in the subject line.

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