BARN (Benedictine Relief Aid for Neighbors) will host its annual golf tournament on Monday, May 15, at Evergreen Country Club in Haymarket. All proceeds go to BARN’s programs to end homelessness.
Mary Colgan Finnigan and Manassas Mayor Hal Parrish are serving as honorary co-chairs for the 2017 tournament.
“We are honored to be serving as co-chairs for the annual BARN golf tournament. Our beloved fathers, Senator Charles Colgan and Delelgate Harry Parrish, served as co-chairs of this tournament for several years before my father’s passing in 2006. Senator Colgan carried on this tradition until his passing earlier this year. Mary and I look forward to continuing our fathers’ legacy by supporting this wonderful organization they both cared so much about. We look forward to welcoming golfers for a fun day for a wonderful cause,” Parrish was quoted as saying in a press release.
Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. The format is captain’s choice. Entry fee includes goody bag, breakfast, grilled lunch on the patio, free beer, soda and snacks on the course and awards banquet. Prizes awarded for the men’s and women’s longest drive, men’s and women’s closest to the pin, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Hole-In-One wins $10,000.
Team entry fee is $600 a foursome and individual entry fee is $150. Enroll online at or call 703-369-1325.
Sponsors include NOVEC, US Foods, Benedictine Sisters of Virginia, Apple Federal Credit Union, My Plumber, QMT Windchimes, Dr. Sid and Melissa Hamid, EEC Group, and Bennett Insurance. Additional sponsorship and underwriting opportunities are available.
For more information call BARN at 703-369-1325.
BARN operates a transitional and rapid re-housing program in Bristow. Last year, BARN’s programs assisted 79 adults and 80 children, the news release said.
BARN is a sponsored ministry of the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia.
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<a href="">Benefit golf tournament for BARN is May 15 at Evergreen County Club</a>