Woodbridge Dance Company will present its annual “Coffee House Concert Collection” for the ninth year on Sunday, Jan. 8, with curtain at 5:30 p.m., at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Circle, in Manassas.
The performance will showcase a variety of original works by up-and-coming choreographers (dance designers). It also will feature guest artist and performer Brianna Pippen.
Everyone is invited to the Director’s Reception before the performance from 4 to 5 p.m. Bid on silent auction items (gifts, artworks, tickets, certificates and more), participate in the raffle, enjoy the complimentary refreshments and coffee bar and talk with Woodbridge Dance Company’s board, staff, choreographers and dancers. Meet recipients of “Supporter of he Arts” and “Choreography” awards.
Tickets are $25 general admission, $20 child and senior. Go to http://www.hyltoncenter.org or www.woodbridgedancecompany.org.
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<a href="http://www.bullrunnow.com/article/article/06309">Woodbridge Dance Company’s 9th “Coffee House Concert Collection” on Jan. 8</a>