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How to sign up for a library card in Prince William and Fauquier

Libraries are absolutely amazing. Where else can you borrow for free an item of value, with only a card and the promise to return it? The library provides a wealth of knowledge and entertainment not just in the borrowing of materials, but they offer programs and activities for all ages of the population.

Libraries encourage scholarship and offer a quiet, peaceful place of study, which can be tough to find in our current urban culture. People are there to help you just for the asking. You may discover books or other treasures that will change your life and perhaps become your friend.

Libraries in Fauquier County and Prince William County are incredibly user friendly. Newcomers to both counties can easily obtain a library card. If you live in the city of Manassas or the city of Manassas Park, getting a library card and using library materials are part of your government services through an agreement with the county.

Jeannie Duray, library section supervisor and head of the circulation department at Bull Run Regional Library, explained how to obtain a library card in Prince William County.

She stated, “To apply for a library card, you need identification showing your current address, That information is recorded and the user is issued a card. If you do not have identification with a current address, a card can be issued and you can check out one item. Anyone under the age of 18, must have a parent/guardian’s signature to obtain a card. You may also download copies of the Library Card Application and bring it with you the next time you visit the library. Your card can be used at any of the ten branches listed on the back of the card.”

You may also obtain a library card if you meet the following eligibility requirements: attend a Prince William County school, are employed in the county, or own county property.

If you do not meet these requirements you may pay an annual fee. Duray stated, “Prince William County also has reciprocal borrowing agreements with neighboring counties, as well as the D.C. Public Library.”

Prince William County libraries also have a policy which makes it easy for students to obtain a library card. Duray reported,

“Teachers may download copies of the Library Card Application form for their class or group visit. In order to be processed, these forms must be filled out legibly and completely. Also the information must be verified by the teacher. The name of the school or organization and teacher’s name must be clearly labeled on each application. Applications for children under the age of 18 must have a parent’s signature in addition to the parent’s name clearly printed in the appropriate spot. Processing time for these cards is a minimum of two weeks.”

Duray pointed out that Prince William County libraries have a program in place to make library materials accessible to residents receiving Meals on Wheels.

“These individuals must be registered with Meals on Wheels, first of all,” Duray said. “They let the librarian know what materials they want and the Meals on Wheels volunteer delivers them.”

Fauquier County and Prince William County have very similar policies regarding issuing library cards.

Lisa Pavlock, the Public Information Coordinator for the Fauquier Public Library explained,” Anyone applying for a library card in the county has to fill out the application and show proof of eligibility-even if they complete it in person. We need to collect that information to set them up in our system.”

Regarding individuals under 18, Julia Plant, the circulation of Fauquier County offered, “If an individual under the age of 18 comes in without a parent or legal guardian, we offer them a take-home packet, which includes the library card application, signature card to be signed by parent/guardian and instructions along with a welcome brochure. The child is issued the library card when they return the completed application and signature card. A parent does not have to accompany them when they return the pack. This usually happens when a child visits the library with a grandparent or care provider. We send home a follow-up letter to the parent/guardian welcoming the child to the library.”

Pavlock explained, “Library cards are processed immediately. If you submit your application online, you can come in the same day and pick it up.”
Also, like Prince William County Pavlock pointed out, “We have reciprocal agreements with all neighboring counties.”

Regarding eligibility for obtaining a Fauquier County library card, it has the same standards as Prince William County and charges an annual fee of $15 if you do not met the eligibility requirements.

Duray added several other notes of interest regarding library cards.

” The recommended age to apply for a library card is 5 years old,” she noted. “Library cards are free and we charge $1to replace the card. We also recommend that you call the library to report a lost/stolen card right away so no one else can use it.”

When individuals receive their library card, they are then entitled to check out any library materials, check their library account online, place holds on items and request a delivery to a branch of your choice, search online databases from your home, office, or school and use the library computers.

Libraries have many ongoing programs for individuals of any age.
The best part is that it is all free!

More information is available at the following websites: and





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