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Kids to Parks Day May 17 at VA state parks

All 36 Virginia State Parks will celebrate Kids to Parks Day, Saturday, May 17, with a wide variety of programs and activities for children and families.

Kids to Parks Day, sponsored by the National Park Trust, is designed to get kids outdoors and into parks and to promote environmental stewardship and a healthy lifestyle.

Among the events offered:

A day of activities at Pocahontas State Park, in Chesterfield, include a float fishing school led by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, a guided children’s bicycle trail ride conducted by the Friends of Pocahontas State Park and a program on Birds of Prey presented by Maymont Park;

Staunton River State Park, in Halifax County, will feature a canoeing essential program, a wildlife tracks identification program and a hands-on program using a compass to find Captain Staunton’s cache;

Caledon State Park, in King George County, will offer a hayride, kayaking program, fossil hunting and an evening owl prowl; Parks across the state will offer other activities such as campfires, Junior Ranger programs, canoeing, fishing and more.

For the complete schedule of state park programs and events, visit: Some .activities require pre-registration or additional fees.

Virginia State Parks are managed by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.

For more information about National Kids to Parks Day and to search for programs and events outside of Virginia, visit the National Park Trust website at:

For more information on all of Virginia’s award winning state parks go to or call toll-free, 1-800-933-PARK (7275).

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