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Free fun/health PWC Community EXPO for children May 10 at Pfitzner Stadium

As a warm-up for summer fun, the PWC Community EXPO is Saturday, May 10, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. at Pfitzner Stadium behind the McCoart Government Center in Woodbridge. Admission is free.

Close out the day watching a Potomac Nationals baseball game. Pfitzner Stadium complex, the home of the Potomac Nationals baseball team, is behind the McCoart Building on Prince William Parkway.

All PWCS schools distributed Explorer Passports for children to take home. The Explorer Passports entitle kids free admission at each location listed on the passport. Students should turn in the passports to their schools in September for a chance in a prize drawing. To be eligible for the grand prize, the passports must be stamped at the May 10 Community EXPO.

Attractions at the Community EXPO include:
• Outdoor activities (hiking, rope skills course, rock climbing wall, etc.)

• Kids’ Games and Prizes

• Information on Youth Summer Programs (Park Authority, Historic Preservation, Manassas Battlefield, etc.)

• Important School-Related Information

• BMX demonstrations and Race

• Petting Zoo

• Performances (Student groups)

• Mascot Dance-Off

• Reptile and Birds of Prey Demonstrations

• Moon Bounce and Dare Devil Island

The PWC Community EXPO is coordinated by Prince William County Schools, Prince William County Health Communities Healthy Youth, PWCS Health and Physical Education, PWC Parks and Recreation, and SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.

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