Prince William Forest Park, a unit of the National Park Service, in partnership with the National Park Foundation, and the nation’s 401 national parks will celebrate National Park Week April 19-27 with free admission during the weekend of April 19 -20 and special events nationwide.
In partnership with the Chopawamsic Trust and the Forest Park High School National Art Honor Society, Prince William Forest Park is hosting an art show featuring work created by Forest Park High School students. The theme of National Park Week and the art show is “GO WILD”.
Art work will be on display at the park visitor center beginning April 22-27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The members of the public are invited to stop by to vote for their favorite works of art.
Local judges have been selected to evaluate each student’s work on elements such as the student’s use of the “Go Wild” theme, creativity, and execution. Judges awards and the people’s choice awards will be presented at a public reception, hosted by the Chopawamsic Trust, Saturday April 26, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the visitor center.
“National Park Week is a perfect opportunity to showcase the fabulous artwork created by these talented students and to inspire visitors to enjoy the outdoors in this wonderful setting,” Todd Ketch, president of the Chopawamsic Trust, was quoted as saying in a news release. “Prince William Forest Park is a special place that everyone should experience and support.”
National Junior Ranger Day is on Saturday April 26. Young visitors can take part in family-friendly activities and be sworn in as junior rangers by completing a Junior Ranger activity booklet.
For information regarding park operating hours and programs please visit the park website at Foll.ow Prince William Forest Park on Facebook or contact the visitor center at 703.221.7181.
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