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Volunteers are needed in our community 8/30/13

Good morning Prince William – The Prince William Sports Athletic Organization is looking for energetic professionals from diverse life experiences to join its Board of Directors.  These leadership positions afford volunteers personal development while governing the organization.  Duties include formulation and oversight of policies and procedures, financial management, personnel and program evaluation, fundraising, outreach and problem solving.  Please email Chris at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call (571) 762-3978 to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

·      Attention volunteers and leadership of pet rescue and pet foster programs- Volunteer Prince William is hosting a 9/11 Day of Remembrance with opportunities for preparedness training.  One of several seminars being offered is designed specifically for you.  Do you have an emergency plan for your furry charges?  If not, you need one.  Register for Disaster Preparedness for Pets, a two-hour seminar on Friday, September 13, from 12:30 to 2:30 at Manassas St. Thomas UMC, 8899 Sudley Rd., Manassas, VA 20110.  Please email Bonnie at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

·      Area Agency on Aging has an urgent need for Meals on Wheels drivers in the Manassas area.  This is absolutely one of those love my job position!  Meals are picked up at the Manassas Senior Center Monday – Friday and delivered to a homebound senior.  The route takes about 1 ½-2hours.  Days can be flexible and training is provided. Please call Melodee at (703) 792-4583 to more info.  The Manassas Senior center also needs a volunteer for the front desk.  This fun and social position is also flexible and of training is provided.

·      Dewey Animals loves kitties and has an urgent need for volunteers to help with several different opportunities. These jobs include feeding cats living about who have been abandoned.  Volunteers also catch these cats and take them to be neutered and vaccinated or provide foster care.  It has been a busy year for all the rescue organizations and your help is much appreciated.  Please call Toni at (571) 265-1140 to learn more about all these volunteer opportunities.

·      Stop by the Foster’s Grille in Haymarket on Thursday September 5th from 11am-9pm to receive a free order of Foster’s famous fries with the purchase of any sandwich.  10% of sale proceeds will go to the Meals on Wheels program.  It’s a win-win for all.

·      Keep Prince William Beautiful is gearing up for the Fall Cleanup Campaign.  Volunteers from communities and HOA’s just need to pick your day and Keep Prince William Beautiful will provide all the supplies for the day including grabbers, vests, gloves, trash bags and landfill vouchers.  All you need is the manpower.  Please call Anna at (571) 285-3772 to schedule your event.

·      Brain Injury Services needs a volunteer to walk with a client a couple of times a month at the Hidden Pond Nature Center right up the road in Springfield as well as a volunteer to help with technology needs.  You don’t need to be a techno – just have the savvy a lot of folks have to navigate phones, lap tops and such.  Please call Michelle at (703) 451-8881 ext. 232 to learn more.

·      Volunteer Prince William would love your thoughts and feedback on a very quick survey if you utilize volunteers from the website or this column.  Please visit: and click on the survey.

·      CASA’s signature event, Evening under the Stars is Saturday September 14th from 7pm-11pm at the Harris pavilion in Manassas.  Tickets and sponsorships are still available.  You don’t want to miss this fabulous event with dinner, dancing and both live and silent auction to support abused kids. Please visit the website: to learn more.

·      National Preparedness Month presents lots of opportunities for groups to help educate your community on being prepared for all kinds of weather and/or man-made disasters.  Volunteers are needed to distribute very informative brochures to neighborhoods, senior living facilities, Houses of Worship and your friends and family.  This is a great way for your club, office, service organization and scouts to do something important on a beautiful September day.  Please email Bonnie at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for all the specifics

·      Northern Virginia Family Service Therapeutic Foster Care Program needs volunteers to provide loving homes for children in foster care.  Please come to the next training session in September.  Please call Ginny at (571) 748-2557 to learn more.

·      Please visit any Glory Days Grill throughout the community and until September 30th to support the Hilda Barg Homeless Prevention Center. Proceeds from each check will go to this wonderful organization.

·      BEACON Adult Literacy Program needs volunteers in the Manassas area to teach ESL, adult basic Ed, citizenship and conversation. Classes are Monday through Friday mornings and evenings. Prior experience is not needed as the free training will give you all the skills needed to be successful.  Volunteers may teach either mornings or evenings once or twice a week.  Enjoy your summer and start in the fall.  Please call Caroline at (703) 368-7491 to learn more.

·      The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) needs senior volunteers age 55 and older to provide transportation for a veteran to get to a local doctor’s appt. All vets are referred to us by Aging and you’ll have lots of advance notice for their appts.  ISign up to tutor kids in grades K-3 in reading and math. Please call Coleen at (703) 369-5292 ext. 207 for more info.

·      Literacy Volunteers of America is gearing up for its next volunteer training starting September 21st.  Please go to to learn more.

·      Please mark your calendars for the Alzheimer’s Association Walk on Saturday October 19th in Old Town Manassas.  Volunteers are needed for set-up, staffing tables, handing out literature and monitoring the route.  Please call Sonya at (703) 766-9025 to learn more.

·      If you are looking for other opportunities, remember to call my wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William.  Coleen can help you with the Retired and Senior Volunteer (RSVP) opportunities at (703) 369-5292 ext. 207, Shelley can help with any individual or group project and send you weekly updates if you’d like.  Shelley is at (703) 369-5292 ext. 201, and Bonnie can help you with opportunities available in Disaster Preparedness at (703) 369-5292 ext. 202.  Please visit our newly re-vamped website at  Than.ks so much for all you do in our community.

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