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Volunteers are needed in the greater Prince William community - May 4, 2018

Historic Manassas needs lots of volunteers for its first One Love - Celebration of the Arts event May 18-20th. Volunteers are also needed to teach crafts and basic tech skills to seniors, to design a webite and logo for mental health group and to share interests and hobbies with teens on weekends.

Fifty foreign embassies in D.C. open for free tours on May 5

Embassies will open their doors to DC visitors and residents. Participants can travel the world as they experience the food, art, dance, fashion, and music of different countries.

Volunteers needed in greater Prince William area - April 20, 2018

Volunteers are needed for an April 28 workday at Wildlife Garden at Merrimac Farm in Nokesville, to share hobbies and interests on weekends with kids at Youth for Tomorrow in Bristow and to design a logo and create an internet presence for Community Services & Prevention Alliance that promotes mental health and reduction of substance abuse.

History hike May 19 at Manassas Battlefield

Manassas Battlefield Trust will present a special four-hour walking tour at Manassas Battlefield on Saturday, May 19, led by historian John Hennessy.

Visit Manassas National Battlefield Park during National Park Week April 21-29

April 21-29 is National Park Week – the annual, nationwide celebration of America’s National Parks. Come celebrate, visit, and honor your nation’s history at Manassas National Battlefield Park.

Curious about caves? Special cave tours and events during Va. Cave Week starting April 22

Virginia Cave Week, beginning on Earth Day, April 22, and running through April 28, is intended to promote an understanding of Virginia’s caves and the surrounding limestone habitats known as karst.

One-of-a-kind art by Osbourn students on display at The Hall at City Hall

There is a new exhibit in The Hall at City Hall in Old Town Manassas, 9027 Center Street, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., featuring the work of Osbourn High School students. Pieces range from water colors, to pastels, to photography to sculpture and quilting.

Tickets available for Hylton Performing Arts Center Anniversary fundraiser April 14

Hylton Performing Arts Center eighth Anniversary Gala and After Party fundraiser will be on Saturday, April 14, to celebrate the arts in Manassas, Prince William County, and Northern Virginia, as well as those who have supported the local community and the Hylton Center.

Volunteers needed to help clean up and maintain trails at Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park

Park officials are calling for volunteers to help with a clean up on Saturday, April 7, at the intersection of Iron Brigade Unit Avenue and Tenth Alabama Way at the park, said Bill Backus, historic site manager.

Volunteers are needed in the greater Prince William community - March 23, 2018

Help is needed to spruce up the Georgetown South community is Manassas April 21 from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tasks for the day include mulching 45 playgrounds, planting the community garden and window boxes, painting and personalizing 30 picnic tables in the green space and putting house numbers on the rear of all 840 homes in the community for added security and safety.
Today's Obituaries

John Skinner, retired Police Chief, City of Manassas, VA

Chief Skinner dedicated his life to Law Enforcement with more than 37 years of service across all levels, from the line officer to the Chief of Police.

Betty Thomas Anastasi, retired Chief Deputy Clerk of PWC Circuit Court

A memorial service was held on Aug. 11, 2024 for Betty Thomas Anastasi, 99, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend, who passed away on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at Commonwealth Senior Living of Manassas.

Edward Wyrsch, life-long sports fan, track star, youth sports organizer, veteran, IRS retiree

Edward James Wyrsch passed away on August 4, 2024 at his home in Haymarket, VA .
Business Directory

Living Hope Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Now meeting in the Old
PACE West School building
14550 John Marshall Highway, Haymarket, VA 20169

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