FROM Prince William County Schools
01/05/16 / Charity & Fundraising / Volunteering /
“It takes a village…” to bring joy to thousands of youngsters during the holidays—a time of happiness, celebration, and family. Volunteers representing the Fraternal Order of Police, Volunteer Prince William, SPARK, and multiple business partners gave their time and their hearts to provide gifts to students and families.
Mixed media art by Lauren Jacobs will be on exhibition at the Manassas Campus of Northern Virginia Community College from Jan. 5 to 30.
The Garden Club of Lake Ridge will hold its meeting and program Jan. 4, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Tall Oaks Community Center, 12298 Cotton Mill Dr., Woodbridge, VA.
12/31/15 / History / Military /
National Museum of the Marine Corps at Quantico will be closed Jan. 4-March 31, 2016 to hang an SBD Dauntless aircraft in Leatherneck Gallery and replace the gallery's Korean War Sikorsky HRS-2 helicopter exhibit with a model depicting a UH-34D helicopter during Operation Starlight in 1965.
First Day Hike- History Gone Wild January 1st, 2016, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sky Meadows State Park off US 17 in Delaplane. No parking fee on Jan. 1.
From Prince William County Reports
12/27/15 / Local Government / Manassas / Money & Taxes / Woodbridge /
Virginia Cooperative Extension, or VCE, offers courses such as smart money management, financial literacy, home ownership seminars, financial assessment clinics and financial counseling to help people become better at handling their money.
By HEIDI BAUMSTARK Observer staff
12/27/15 / Books & Libraries / Local History /
Bill Backus and Rob Orrison, two county employees with the Historic Preservation Division, are co-authors of a new book, "A Want of Vigilance: The Bristoe Station Campaign, October 9-19, 1863." It is loaded with details about events leading up to the Oct. 14, 1863 Battle of Bristoe Station and afterwards.
12/27/15 /
All 36 Virginia State Parks will offer guided hikes for the 5th Annual First Day Hikes sponsored by America's State Parks. Brendon Hanafin, now a PWC historian and a former Chief Ranger at Leesylvania State Park in Woodbridge, will lead the First Day Hike there.
Caton Merchant Family Gallery on the first floor of the Candy Factory building in Old Town Manassas will show art by high school students as part of the annual "Off the Wall" exhibit until Feb. 5, 2016.
Based on The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, this classic tale depicts the power of good versus evil as four children step into a wardrobe and reappear on the other side in the mythical land of Narnia.