06/15/17 - Thank your refuse worker; National Garbage Man Day is June 17
06/15/17 - County Police looking for suspect in Minnieville Road armed robbery June 13
06/15/17 - Today, June 15, is last day of school in Prince William County
06/15/17 - GET SMART program introduces Benton Middle boys to engineering
06/15/17 - Fauquier schools change spring break week and makeup days for 2018
06/15/17 - Fairfax-Prince William-Loudoun meeting June 28 on tri-county road issues
06/15/17 - VDOT TRAFFIC ALERT: Old Centreville Rd. traffic in Manassas to change lanes June 20
06/15/17 - Obesity worries? Novant/UVA-Haymarket accredited as bariatric surgery center
06/14/17 - City police take report of two burglaries in two days at same Manassas residence
06/14/17 - PWC landfill and yard waste facilities closed July Fourth
06/14/17 - PWC landfill and yard waste facilities closed July Fourth
06/13/17 - Fraudulent telephoners at work in Manassas; children asked if they’d like a ride, police report
06/13/17 - TODAY’S COLUMN: Kami Whitney, PA-C, talks about Erectile Dysfunction: causes and treatment options
06/13/17 - June 19 fundraiser for Occoquan Historical Society
06/12/17 - Va. attorney general announces settlement with Manassas pawn shop company
06/10/17 - Urgent need for volunteers to deliver food to seniors midday with Meals on Wheels - June 9, 2017
06/10/17 - Board Briefs from June 7 meeting of Prince William County School Board
06/10/17 - Mountain lion sighted near Chris Yung Elementary School in Bristow
06/10/17 - June 16 workshop for siblings of kids with special needs
06/10/17 - Enrollment for optional student accident insurance starts July 1
06/10/17 - Independence non-traditional school under construction, set to open in fall of 2018
06/10/17 - New food services director for PWC schools begins July 3
06/09/17 - Summer reading program at libraries offers opportunities and prizes
06/09/17 - New tax credit available to Virginia farmers to help reduce food waste
06/09/17 - Celebrate Flag Day June 14 and retire Old Glory with respect
06/07/17 - Opioid summit at Forest Park HS on June 8
06/07/17 - Man with gun robs Nokesville 7-Eleven early Wednesday morning
06/07/17 - Happy Sprout Inc. recalls soybean sprouts due to possible health risk
06/07/17 - King second grade teacher Rebecca Kronthal nominated for Region IV Teacher of the Year
06/07/17 - Governor signs laws at Forest Park High School on bullying and suicide prevention
06/07/17 - “Dump the Pump” and try a transit ride on June 15 to win prizes
06/05/17 - County Police to begin using body-worn cameras this fall
06/05/17 - Alleged robberies, burglaries, assaults and more over the weekend
06/03/17 - June 3 “ExtravaCANza” Challenge to fight hunger in Greater Manassas/PWC
06/03/17 - Manassas physician charged in narcotics case
06/03/17 - Congestion on I-95 in Prince William County this weekend, June 2-4, due to bridge deck repairs
06/03/17 - Volunteers needed in the Greater Prince William community - June 2, 2017
06/03/17 - June events for PWC School Board
06/03/17 - PracticalNursing.org ranks PWC School of Practical Nursing #10 in Virginia
06/03/17 - PWCS statement on issues raised about student hijabs
06/03/17 - Battlefield HS Latin teacher Ashley Walsh is national winner in elearning
06/03/17 - Two Patriot HS students recognized for developing a new way to capture solar energy
06/03/17 - Prince William Schools makes more administrative appointments
06/02/17 - PW supervisors unanimous against “railroad” power line route
06/01/17 - Governor to sign legislation at Forest Park High School June 6
06/01/17 - Be prepared for tight security at PWC high school graduations in and out of county
06/01/17 - Flavored milk may go back on school lunch menus
05/31/17 - Someone made off with a new grill and a vehicle in recent residential burglaries
05/28/17 - VSP Special Agent Michael Walter dies after shooting in Richmond
05/27/17 - Manassas City Police investigate May 26 shooting on Pickett Lane
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