07/26/17 - Parking brake upgrade completed for newer Prince William County school buses
07/26/17 - Theresa G. Stanley, cafeteria hostess at Bel Air Elementary School
07/26/17 - Dr. Renee Lacey, beloved colleague, alternative education pioneer for PWC Schools
07/26/17 - PWC Police issue statement regarding the arrest of Rodney Darnell Whitehead, Jr.
07/26/17 - Woodbridge church worker hears noises; police find broken glass and wood inside building
07/26/17 - July 26 Prince William County workshop on alternative septic systems canceled
07/26/17 - Public hearing Aug. 1 on new framework proposed for Prince William County fire and rescue system
07/25/17 - Organic garden supplies produce for Manassas Sr. Center & Meals on Wheels
07/25/17 - Manassas City Police to host National Night Out Aug. 1, 6-9 p.m.
07/25/17 - City of Manassas recycling rate increases to 47.2% - 50% goal is within reach!
07/24/17 - PWC 9-1-1 can accept text messages in special situations
07/24/17 - Quilt show at Haymarket Museum Sept. 9-Oct.22
07/22/17 - Prince William County’s 2016 recycling rate jumps 3.1 points above 2015
07/22/17 - 81 Prince William County students attend Governor’s Schools this summer
07/22/17 - Supervisor Jeanine Lawson: Public’s input needed by Sunday, July 23 on NVTA Action Plan
07/22/17 - VDOT to close Owl’s Nest Rd. in Nokesville July 25-26 to replace stormwater pipe
07/21/17 - Three charges of strangulation filed in three separate domestic assault cases
07/20/17 - Intermittent road closures Old Centreville Road in Manassas tonight, July 20, due to bridge work
07/20/17 - Trails through Occoquan Bay and Featherstone National wildlife refuges to be enhanced
07/20/17 - Agriculture and forestry industries’ impact on Va. economy up 30 percent in four years
07/20/17 - Closings 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. tonight, July 20, in Haymarket at Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)
07/19/17 - James Bricker, Parkside PE teacher, coach and athletic coordinator, named Best of Prince William
07/19/17 - Lake Ridge Elementary has a new assistant principal; other educational appointments noted
07/19/17 - Manassas Battlefield to mark 156th anniversary of First Battle of Manassas July 22
07/19/17 - Nearly 60 Manassas motel guests relocated after malfunctioning ice machine causes fire
07/19/17 - Fire extinguished on apartment balcony on Lady Jane Loop in Manassas
07/19/17 - Teen struck with baseball bat after neighborhood spat at basketball court
07/19/17 - Suspect arrested in July 16 strong-armed robbery on Bayside Avenue
07/19/17 - Got a song in your heart? Woodbridge Community Choir needs you
07/19/17 - August 2017 Events in Prince William County & Manassas Region
07/19/17 - Young Farmers to hear gubernatorial candidates on ag and forestry issues July 28
07/19/17 - Garden and fruit bars bring “Food for Thought” award for Prince William Schools
07/19/17 - Get a taste of Prince William history on virtual tours July 20 & 25 at Bull Run Library
07/19/17 - Community meeting July 19 at City Hall on alternate location for Manassas City fire station
07/17/17 - Caller tells police he was checking Haymarket residence when he encountered an unknown male inside
07/17/17 - Aug. 5 info session on housing resources for people with developmental disabilities
07/17/17 - Kirk Cox elected chair of the newly established online education from Va. state universities
07/16/17 - Ribbon cutting and dedication scheduled for Covington-Harper Elementary Aug. 24
07/16/17 - Edwards and Green appointed administrative interns at PWC schools
07/16/17 - Seventh annual Game-based and Simulation Learning Conference in PWC July 18-20
07/16/17 - Manassas School Board schedules special meeting and retreat in Charlottesville
07/16/17 - Governor appoints two Woodbridge residents to state boards
07/16/17 - State to get $834,991 from NOAA to reduce impacts of storm flooding
07/16/17 - Virginia inks trade and cultural pact with Mexico City
07/15/17 - Police called to investigate suspicious person looking into vehicles
07/15/17 - PWC Police Beat: Shoe sale goes bad; suspect shoots at gas pump
07/15/17 - Free Live Well health workshop series starts July 18 in Manassas
07/15/17 - July 15 funeral Thomas J. Grizzard Jr., Va. Tech prof. emeritus of civil & environmental engineering
07/15/17 - Manassas City Schools to participate in USDA Summer Food Service Program
07/15/17 - Meet and talk with Police Chief Barry Barnard on July 17 in Woodbridge
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