FROM P4rince William County Government
01/10/25 / Haymarket / Health & Safety / Nokesville /
Saturday Jan. 11 snow may force cancellation of rural trash & recycling pickup.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Aug. 25, 2011.
08/25/11 / Breaking News /
As Hurricane Irene, which may revert to Tropical Storm Irene, heads to the Northern Virginia area, agencies in Prince William County ready to handle power outages and more.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Aug. 24, 2011.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Aug. 23, 2011.
By Gretchen L.H. O’Brien
08/23/11 / Breaking News /
On Aug. 23, at 1:53 p.m., an earthquake hit the East Coast of the United States.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 5.9-magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter in Mineral, Va., shook buildings up and down the East Coast, from South Carolina to New Jersey.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Aug. 22, 2011.
A Manassas town house in the 10100 block of Statesboro Court caught fire from a lighting strike on Aug. 21, 2011.
The late-August issues of the Bull Run Observer, Manassas Observer and Old Bridge Observer all offer must-have back-to-school information for parents, students and the community.