FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 01/11/25 /
On Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025 at 6:19PM, Prince William County Police officers responded to the 8300 block of Sunset Dr. in Manassas (20110) to investigate a shooting.
Congressman Frank Wolf
Virginia's senior Congressman, Frank Wolf, will kick off his 2012 reelection campaign at a birthday party Jan. 26 at Dulles Airport..
Marty Nohe
Prince William County VA Supervisor Marty Nohe has called a Feb. 6 town meeting to discuss the status of Purcell Road prior to a planning commission Feb. 15 work session.
Prince William VA Education Association will discuss bills affecting school employees now under consideration by the Virginia General Assembly.
01/20/12 /
Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Jan. 20, 2012
Gainesville supervisor Peter Candland convinced the Virginia Department of Transportation to change its mind about when to install an important traffic signal in the Dominion Valley community in Haymarket VA.
01/18/12 /
Prince William County VA Public Schools recognizes 16 elementary schools and two traditional schools as "Schools of Excellence" for the 2010-11 school year.
01/18/12 / Education /
These Prince William County VA librarians know what tweens like to read for fun and the stories that are enticing them to pick up a book.
The school named in honor of her late husband celebrated Alma Gravely’s 90th birthday recently. From left, seated in the row front, Mrs. Gravely’s son, David, and her daughter-in-law, Beverly Clark; Jarcelynn Hart, associate superintendent for the county’s western elementary schools; Don Richardson, then-county school board vice chairman. Back row, from left, Dr. Steven L. Walts, superintendent of Prince William County Schools; Michele Salzano, Gravely Elementary School principal; Cdr. Doug Kunzman, first commanding officer of the U.S.S. Gravely.