FROM P4rince William County Government
01/10/25 / Haymarket / Health & Safety / Nokesville /
Saturday Jan. 11 snow may force cancellation of rural trash & recycling pickup.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for July 28, 2011.
07/28/11 / Breaking News /
Many school supplies and clothing items in Virginia will be exempt from state and local sales taxes next weekend, Aug. 5-7. This is the sixth year for what is called a "sales tax holiday." Some restrictions apply.
The Manassas Museum is hosting a major collaborative exhibit that seeks to interpret Virginia's role and importance in the Civil War; the exhibit has an online component too.
07/27/11 / Breaking News / History /
Prince William County and Manassas commemorate 150th Civil War anniversary.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for July 27, 2011.
07/26/11 /
Social Security office in Manassas will curtail public hours Aug. 15 due to funding shortage
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for July 26, 2011.
07/25/11 /
Manassas VA restaurant is temporarily closed for repairs following a two-alarm fire