FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 01/11/25 /
On Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025 at 6:19PM, Prince William County Police officers responded to the 8300 block of Sunset Dr. in Manassas (20110) to investigate a shooting.
Pam Stutz, mayor of the town of Haymarket, VA says it is time for someone else to come forward with new ideas
01/17/12 / Breaking News / Local Government /
Corey Stewart, chairman of the Prince William VA Board of County, applauds county growth and progress on a number of fronts in his annual State of the County message.
After 17 months and $6.1 million, a 4100-foot section of Wellington Rd in the City of Manassas VA has been widened to four lanes and is expected to ease traffic congestion.
01/09/12 /
Battlefield High School band of Haymarket VA will perform the pregame show before tonight's Allstate BCS National College Football Championship game that will see Alabama v. LSU.
If needed, pet masks in three sizes are ready for use on two City of Manassas VA medic units.
By Gretchen L.H. O'Brien
01/06/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / Local Government /
In an effort to minimize congestion and increase safety on area roads, the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Prince William County transportation office work to improve roads and intersections. However, sometimes these changes take time and can impede traffic flow and add a few minutes, and perhaps a few headaches, to our commutes.
Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Jan. 6, 2012
In a highly competitive process, the state of Virginia has recognized some elementary schools in Prince William County VA for meeting state and federal benchmarks.