06/16/16 / Local Government / Money & Taxes / Real Estate /
Prince William Board of County Supervisors approved an increased FY17 Building Development Fee Schedule in conjunction with the FY17 Budget Adoption. The higher fees are effective July 1, 2016.
06/13/16 / Health & Safety / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat / Real Estate /
A blazing fire displaced approximately 40 residents from their apartments in Point at Bull Run on Saturday, June 11 shortly before 11 p.m. in the 10500 block of Lariat Lane near Williamson Blvd. in Manassas. The Red Cross was called to the scene to assist those displaced by the fire. According to the Fire Marshal’s Office, 18 units, within a 24-unit apartment complex, sustained heavy fire damage and are a total loss; each unit is valued at approximately $300,000 for a total loss of about $5.4 million.
06/08/16 / Federal Government / Real Estate /
Sugar Grove Station, WV was a United States Navy military base to support part of National Security Agency’s surveillance operation. When it became unnecessary to house staff at the base, it was retired in 2015 and put up for auction to the highest bidder over $1 million. The site is in the National Radio Quiet Zone, so cell phones, WiFi and any equipment operating on radio frequencies are restricted from use.
06/04/16 / Breaking News / Haymarket / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes / Real Estate / State Government /
The SCC staff report issued June 2 noted [pages 17-21] that the potential customer may have to pay the excess cost, estimated at $115 million, between constructing an overhead route down I-66 and placing the project underground as the local legislative delegation and overwhelming numbers of the public requested, according to a news release from Del. Bob Marshall.
03/30/16 / Education / Money & Taxes / Real Estate /
Prince William County School Board and Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) will meet in closed session on Tuesday, April 5 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss proposed future school sites.
FROM US Senate Reports 01/16/16 / Federal Government / Police & Fire Beat / Real Estate /
U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) on Jan. 15 applauded an announcement by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) that it intends to acquire a 60-acre land parcel on US 50 east of Winchester for construction of a new $98 million FBI records facility, a news release stated.
01/10/16 / Breaking News / Local Government / Police & Fire Beat / Real Estate /
The community is invited to attend a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016, at 12:30 p.m. to celebrate the start of construction on the Central District Police Station.
01/07/16 / Education / Real Estate / Woodbridge /
The second Community Input session on the proposed PW Parkway Elementary School at Chinn Park has been re-scheduled to Jan. 7, 2016, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Gar-Field High School.