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Fire destroys Harvey Road home in Manassas on Jan. 10

Crews arriving on the scene found a single-family dwelling fully involved in flames. After battling weather conditions, the fire was brought under control and extinguished. No one was home at the time. The home was destroyed. No one was injured.

I-66 lanes to close at night in Haymarket area for crews to set bridge beams

Drivers can expect nighttime lane closures on I-66 in the Haymarket area over the next two weeks at US 15, weather permitting, for crews to set bridge beams for the new southbound US 15 overpass, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.

East End Mobile Home Park in Manassas to be closed; City to hold meeting for residents

Residents of East End Mobile Home Park in Manassas are currently being notified by the property owner of a decision to close the park. Later this week the City will notify current leaseholders of a meeting to discuss the impact the sale may have on tenants of the park and how the City can help them.

To effectively protect against mosquitoes, follow pesticide label instructions, advises VDACS

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), lead state agency for regulating pesticides, encourages consumers to manage their mosquito risk through habitat modification, personal protection practices and careful use of pesticides.

Dumfries home struck by lightning; two adults displaced

Two adults were displaced by fire after a home in Dumfries struck by lightning Aug. 15, according to Prince William County Fire and Rescue.

Virginia corn, soybean, cotton and peanut crop forecasts up from 2015

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) Aug. 15 announced the state’s estimated crop production for 2016. Corn production in Virginia was forecast at 51.3 million bushels, up 6 percent from the previous crop.

It’s the law! Call 811 before you dig around on your property

recognition of 811 Day on Aug. 11, Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative and VA811, also known as Miss Utility of Virginia, remind homeowners and contractors to call 811, or 800-552-3120, before digging to landscape, build decks, or do anything that could damage underground utility equipment. Calling 811 before digging is the law.

Prince William County updates residential building policies

Prince William County Development Services has published two polices: A new Grinder Pump Tank Installation Third Party Inspection Program and an UPDATED Basement Handout.

Historic manor house at Evergreen renovated and offering hospitality again

Historic manor house that has been vacant for about 50 years on the grounds of Evergreen Country Club in Haymarket has been renovated by two area families, the Garcias and the Leopolds. Now the structure has a new name, Inn at Evergreen in Haymarket, and a new function.
Inn Evergreen close
Close up view of the newly renovated
Inn at Evergreen (Photos by Heidi
Baumstark/Observer staff)

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