FROM Prince William County Government 07/02/17 / Environment / Local Government / Real Estate / Nature and the Outdoors / Parks & Recreation /
Supervisors recently awarded a $3.8-million contract to J.D. James Inc. to build the new boardwalk over Neabsco Creek to connect Rippon Landing Community Park to the Julie A. Metz Wetlands Preserve. The ¾ - mile long, 10-foot-wide, elevated boardwalk will become part of the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail that stretches between the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania to the Chesapeake Bay.
FROM State Corporation Commission Reports 06/25/17 / Breaking News / Environment / Haymarket / Real Estate / State Government /
The State Corporation Commission (SCC) has authorized Dominion Energy Virginia to construct a new 230-kilovolt electric transmission line and a new substation in Prince William County and the Town of Haymarket that will follow the Carver Road route, according to an SCC press release issued late Friday, June 23.
FROM Finmarc Management Inc. 06/19/17 / Breaking News / Business / Manassas / Real Estate /
Finmarc Management, Inc., a Bethesda-based commercial real estate firm, has reported its purchase of the Festival at Manassas, a 117,000 square foot shopping center located on Festival Lane in Manassas for $20 million. The center is anchored by Global Food and approximately 97 percent leased at the time of purchase, a news release said.
FROM Prince William County Schools Reports 06/10/17 / Education / Money & Taxes / People & Places / Real Estate /
On June 7, 2017, the Prince William County School Board approved, among other actions, purchase of 92.4 acres of land at University Boulevard for the proposed 13th high school; and reclassification of school nurses by moving them from the classified scale to the teacher's salary scale commensurate with how teachers are placed on the scale.
FROM Prince William County School Reports 06/10/17 / Education / Real Estate /
The first Prince William County nontraditional school for students from kindergarten through grade 12 is under construction and on track to see full occupancy in August 2018.
FROM Prince William County Reports 04/19/17 / Breaking News / Education / Local Government / Money & Taxes / Police & Fire Beat / Real Estate /
“This budget funds the School Board’s adopted budget, meets critical public safety needs, and keeps Prince William County tax bills as the lowest in Northern Virginia,” said Chairman Corey Stewart.
04/11/17 / Education / Environment / Local Government / Money & Taxes / Real Estate / Woodbridge /
Prince William Conservation Alliance will conduct Land Use 101, "a (free) workshop for homeowners, civic groups, realtors, students, and others interested in planning for a bright future" on Friday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
FROM Prince William County Schools Reports 03/06/17 / Business / Education / Environment / Gainesville / Money & Taxes / Real Estate /
Office of Facilities Services for Prince William County Schools will hold a March 9 public meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at Gainesville Middle School to share information on a new location of the proposed 13th high school.