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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Nationwide emergency alert test Wednesday

The nation's emergency alert system (EAS) will be tested for 30 seconds via television and radio stations in all 50 states and US territories at 2 p.m EST Nov. 9. The test is a combined effort of FEMA, FCC and NOAA's National Weather Service.

Sharpen emergency skills with Disaster Jeopardy

Here's a fun game that will help children and adults in Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park be prepared for emergencies.

Official trick-or-treat night and Halloween safety in Manassas

Halloween trick-or-treating times designated in City of Manassas. City police issue safety tips and reminders about pranks.

Prescription drug take-back Oct. 29

There'll be no questions asked when residents drop off old, expired or unneeded prescription drugs at a collection station at Manassas Mall on Saturday, Oct. 29.

Designer Fitness celebrates a decade of physical focus

Designer Fitness in Gainesville celebrated 10 years of helping people in the community get more physically fit.

Free blood pressure checks Oct. 13 at Prince William Hospital

Prince William Hospital in Manassas is offering free blood pressure checks to the community to mark Emergency Nurses Week

Fire truck driver thinks safety first

Bull Run photo
Driving a fire truck requires patience, care and special training for Prince William County volunteers. Here, Allen LaGrave, a technician with the Antioch Fire & Rescue Station, is shown in a truck. This man drives his vehicle with care.

Manassas City Police Beat 10/3/11

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Oct. 3, 2011

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