10/29/12 / Health & Safety /
NOVEC has tips for its 150,000 customers about what to do if the power goes off and emphasizes to stay way from downed power lines & poles & call NOVEC immediately. The emergency numbers are 703-335-0500 or 1-888-335-0500.
10/29/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
Update on Prince William County government closings and shelters in wake of Hurricane Sandy.
10/27/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
With Hurricane Sandy approaching the east coast, the City of Manassas VA government details how crews are preparing to keep city residents safe. Tips that residents can take before the storm causes potential are offered,
10/27/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
American Red Cross is mobilizing disaster workers in the regions that weather experts say will be affected by the storm, and has more than 100 emergency response vehicles on alert. Supplies are ready to be moved and shelter locations are being identified across multiple states. The volunteer disaster agency has put out a call for Americans to donate blood in advance of the storm's expected landfall.
10/27/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
Here are the addresses to use in following the latest Hurricane Sandy forecast from the National Hurricane Center:
10/27/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
Due to the potential impact of Hurricane Sandy, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has postponed the Northern Virginia District Multi-Modal Transportation, Six-Year Improvement Program meetings Oct. 29 in Fredericksburg and Oct. 30 in Fairfax.
10/27/12 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has advice for Virginians about food safety before, during and after power outages that may be caused by Hurricane Sandy. When in doubt, throw food out. Then throw out suspect contents of your refrigerator and check food in your freezer carefully to be sure it’s still safe to eat when power is restored.
10/24/12 / Education / Health & Safety /
Learn prevention strategies and recent trends in youth substance abuse Oct. 30 from 10 a.m. to noon at Virginia Department of Forensic Science, Northern Laboratory. Exhibitors and speakers will spotlight bath salts, synthetic cannabinoids, prescription drug abuse, alcohol, inhalants, and other commonly-abused substances.