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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Gov. McDonnell to name school safety task force to review best practices at all educational levels

Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell said he plans to establish a task force to review school safety best practices, needs and funding challenges at all educational levels~ from kindergartens to colleges.

Precautionary evacuation at Marshall Elementary School

Marshall Elementary School in Manassas VA was evacuated as a precautionary measure, according to an 11:45 a,m. news release from Prince William County Public Schools.

Occoquan River Dam safety alert sirens to be tested Dec. 13

Residents of the Town of Occoquan, VA and other Prince William and Fairfax residents who live near the Occoquan River will hear siren blasts Thursday, Dec. 13, at 10 a.m., as Fairfax County Water Authority tests the new sirens it has installed.

PWC police beat for 12/10/12

Prince William County VA police department's crime report for Monday, Dec, 10, 2012 includes discovery of a possible human skull at a local park.

PWC police beat for 12/7/12

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Friday. Dec. 7, 2012

Substance abuse awareness expo at state forensic lab rescheduled for Nov. 29

Parents, school administrators, and students are invited to attend an ”expo” at the Virginia Department of Forensic Science's Nothern region laboratory in Manassas this Thursday, Nov. 29.

Manassas city residents threatened with utility cut-off

A Manassas city official says a phone scam is being used on some city residents. Residents are being telephoned by a fraudulent caller who says he or she is from the "utility company and is going to shut off the person's power unless a credit card number is given to the caller.

Who wants to be sick after a Thanksgiving meal?

Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services offers food safety tips for preparing food & cooking a full course Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings, so everyone stays well and happy this holiday season.

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