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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Commercial fire Incident at Gainesville Burger King Feb. 17

Burger King on Linton Hall Road in Gainesville VA will be closed until clean-up is completed, necessary repairs are made, and authorization to reopen is obtained from the Health Department and Building Official’s Office.

Seven proven ways Manassas police say can deter theft of something from your vehicle

Manassas VA City Police Department has issued seven handy tips to help residents avoid theft from vehicles, in the wake of nearly 30 larcenies from vehicles since Jan. 1, 2013.

ACTS receives $20,000 grant for Helpline, 703-368-4141

Action in Community Through Service (ACTS) has received a $20,000 grant from the Stafford Hospital (SH) Community Service Fund in support of ACTS Helpline. ACTS plans to expand services into North Stafford.

House of Mercy unveils new food program; orders due by Feb. 8

Trade community service for food. House of Mercy, in Manassas, has united with SHARE (Self Help And Resource Exchange), a nonprofit food and community-building network, to bring high quality meats and produce to local families at a low cost.

Del. Hugo issues VDOT storm information

Delegate Tim Hugo, who represents part of the Prince William County area as well as some Fairfax County areas, has issued information about VDOT capabilities in relation to the coming snowstorm and where to get additional information and assistance.

Giving blood can save a life; 26 nearby opportunities to donate in February

Four locations in Manassas will be among 26 sites in this area that will hold blood drives for the American Red Cross Feb. 1-15.

DPT shots for $2 for seniors in Woodbridge

The Prince William Area Agency on Aging Senior Center at Woodbridge, in conjunction with the Prince William Health Dristrict, is offering a (DPT) Vaccine clinic on Tuesday, Jan. 29.

Chemical reaction ignites fire at Micron in Manassas

Officials determined that a fire in a storage building at Micron Technology in Manassas Jan. 10 was caused by a chemical reaction from a build-up of silane gas particles and ammonium nitrate used in manufacturing. The fire was put out and no one was injured, a press released stated.

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