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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Wearing decorative contact lenses one night could impair future vision

"You'd never buy a new hip at a flea market and you should never buy a medical device like contact lenses at one either," Dr. Ben Casella, Georgia Optometric Association president, was quoted as saying in a press release. "If you're not careful, one night of using knock-off lenses to change your appearance can mean a permanent change in your ability to see for the rest of your life."

VDOT to close I-95 ramps at Backlick Rd. for patching Oct. 24-26

Closures will occur on the ramp from southbound I-95 to Backlilck Road (Exit 167) the nights of Monday, Oct. 24 and Tuesday, Oct. 25. In addition, there will be closures of the ramp from northbound I-95 to Route 1 (Exit 161) the nights of Tuesday, Oct. 25 and Wednesday, Oct. 26 for asphalt patching,

Virginia cyber security poster contest for students

Students in grades K–12 are invited to create posters illustrating the safe use of the Internet and/or mobile devices for submission in the 2017 Commonwealth of Virginia’s Cyber Security Awareness “Kids Safe Online” Virginia Poster Contest. Submissions are due January 6.

How not to get burned when purchasing firewood

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) offers this advice on how to keep from getting burned when you buy firewood. Grab a tape measure, a yardstick or a ruler.

I-95 ramps in Fairfax to be closed for nighttime asphalt patching Oct. 18-20

Closures will occur along the ramp from northbound I-95 to Route 1 (Exit 161) and the ramp from southbound I-95 to Backlick Road (Exit 167) in Fairfax County between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. nightly Tuesday, Oct. 18 through Thursday, Oct. 20 for asphalt patching, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.

PWC Police investigate an Oct. 13 shooting and an Oct. 12 attempted burglary in Woodbridge

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime log for Friday, Oct. 14, 2016.

Free VIN etching event Oct. 15 to help deter vehicle theft

Manassas City Police will host a free VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) etching event Saturday, Oct. 15, in the Home Depot parking lot, 8805 Liberia Avenue, Manassas, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Manassas Park Community Center issues new policies for teen IDs

In a continuing effort to provide a safe and enriching environment, all teens, including those without memberships, will need to be issued a Manassas Park Community Center Teen ID in order to access the facility without a parent or guardian, beginning Oct. 17.

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