FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 01/03/17 / Health & Safety / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat / Woodbridge /
Prince William County Police Department's crime log for Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2017: Malicious wounding, armed robberies, burglaries
FROM the Governor's Office 01/03/17 / Health & Safety / People & Places / State Government /
Governor Terry McAuliffe on Jan. 3 proposed a legislative package of reforms to Virginia’s criminal justice system for the 2017 General Assembly session.
FROM Delegate Paul Krizek's Office 01/03/17 / Health & Safety / State Government /
State Delegate, Paul Krizek (D-44), who represents the Mount Vernon district, has introduced a bill in the Virginia General Assembly to require all occupants of a motor vehicle to utilize safety restraints. Current law requires safety belt use only by occupants under the age of 18, drivers, and front-seat passengers.
FROM Prince William Public Library System 01/01/17 / Health & Safety / Manassas / Woodbridge / Books & Libraries /
Affordable health care information & help will be available at Central and Potomac Libraries, Jan. 5, 7 and 14, with health care navigators from Enroll VA.
By Jason Parsons, Executive Director, Keep Prince William Beautiful 01/01/17 / Environment / Health & Safety / Real Estate / Volunteering /
I like to tell folks in discussing the services Keep Prince William Beautiful provides that we clean up not just for the sake of keeping things beautiful, but rather so our people can do beautiful things. When the park is clean, more kids will go. Home values are higher in clean neighborhoods; new businesses open on vibrant and clean streets; when we take pride and keep it beautiful, our communities are safer and stronger.
12/31/16 / Health & Safety / Police & Fire Beat / Woodbridge /
Prince William County Police Department continues to ask for the public’s assistance in locating Alan Cohee, who was reported as missing and endangered by a family member on November 11. Since Mr. Cohee’s disappearance, the Prince William County Police Department, with assistance from other local and state agencies, has conducted multiple searches of the immediate area surrounding his home.
12/30/16 / Health & Safety / State Government / Transportation / Woodbridge /
Pile driving will be taking place along US Route 1 for construction of the new bridge over Marumsco Creek just north of Marys Way, between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. daily Tuesday, Jan. 3 through Friday, Jan. 6, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.
By PWC Soil and Water Conservation District 12/30/16 / Environment / Health & Safety / Local Government / Nature and the Outdoors / Volunteering /
Who takes care of the trash in our streams? Where does this trash come from? Where does this trash end up? How does this trash impact water quality and aquatic life?
What type of waterways and water quality will the next generation enjoy? How can residents help promote clean waterways? Take Action: Stop littering, recycle, promote programs to raise awareness about trash in the communities, and join those who are already volunteering with the District.