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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Transition fair March 18 to plan for life after school for students with disabilities

To assist students with disabilities and their families in planning for life after school, the Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park Transition Council will host its annual free Transition Fair on Saturday, March 18, from noon–3:30 p.m. at the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Rd., Manassas 20112.

Court orders name of wanted juvenile released Feb. 10; police arrest suspect Feb. 12

Prince William County Police Department's crime log for Monday, Feb. 13, 2017.

Rep. Comstock’s statement on Metro Safety Commission

Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA) released the following statement Feb. 10 after the announcement by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on temporarily withholding FTA grant funds due to the Metro Safety Commission not yet being operational:

Snapchat-arranged shoe buy goes awry, Prince William Police report

Price William County Police Department's crime log for Tuesday, Feb. 7,2017.

Volunteers needed Feb. 25 for a muddy job on Powell’s Creek

Prince William Public Works Department, Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition, and Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District are teaming up to clean up a portion of Powell's Creek near Riverwoods at Woodbridge Apartments Feb. 25, and they are inviting the public to help. The event starts at 9 a.m.

Adopt-A- Stream program in PWC to go on as usual, despite state budget cuts

Despite Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) budget cuts to support the Adopt-A- Stream program statewide, the Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District is continuing the program at the local level, according to its February Watershed newsletter.

Rep. Comstock co-chairing bipartisan Congressional Cancer Prevention Caucus

U.S. Representatives Barbara Comstock (VA-10) and Debbie Dingell (MI-12), co-chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Cancer Prevention Caucus, Feb. 1 joined doctors, experts and advocates for the first caucus meeting of the 115th Congress.

12-year-old and 6-month old involved in cases where PWC Police make arrests

Prince William County Police Department's crime log for Monday, Jan. 30, 2017

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