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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Prince William police officers deployed to Puerto Rico to aid with hurricane relief

Prince William County Police Department, in conjunction with the Virginia and Prince William County Departments of Emergency Management, has begun deploying officers to Puerto Rico to assist first responders in that area with the ongoing recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria which devastated the area in September. Today, Nov. 8, the first rotation of eight officers will fly to the region for a 14-day assignment.

Saving Prince William’s Littles car seat safety group set up here, patterned after Loudoun group

A non profit group called Saving Loudoun’s Littles which first launched in the Fall of 2015, has now expanded to Prince William County with the September founding of Saving Prince William’s Littles, according to a news release.

PW Police Dept. to give “Worship Watch” training to faith-based organizations Nov. 21

Prince William County Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit is hosting a Worship Watch training for faith-based organizations on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Paul T. White, Jr. Western District Station, 8900 Freedom Center Blvd., in Manassas (20110).

Alert: Natural gas line damaged in Haymarket

Columbia Gas of Virginia crews are working to repair a natural gas line in Haymarket that was damaged by a third party digging at the intersection of Washington and Jefferson streets, according to a notice from Karl Brack at Columbia Gas.

Upcoming winter weather about like last winter, the experts say at VDOT annual snow meeting

According to Lauren Mollerup, the district maintenance engineer for VDOT, this winter looks like it's shaping up to mirror last year's weather. "We're likely to have a winter, according to the National Weather Service, similar to what we had last year."

Take the “I recycle” pledge in Prince William County on Nov. 15 and possibly win a prize

Prince William area residents can sign the recycling pledge at the library, or visit and take the pledge on line by November 20.

Accused woman attempts to run over victim near Woodbridge pool, county police report

Prince William County Police Department's crime log for Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017

Day care centers and babysitters offered monthly classes in behavior of preschoolers

Starting Nov. 15, Fuquier County Public Schools will offer a series of monthly workshops for employees of community preschools and day care facilities and for child care providers who service preschool-aged children.

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