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Six historic sites designated as Virginia landmarks

Among the six places recently listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register are a house in Charlottesville designed by Milton L. Grigg, the celebrated architect best known for his work on the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg and Monticello in the 20th century; a Danville elementary school featuring architecture representative of mid-20th–century educational trends and their effect on the development of suburbs in Virginia after World War II; and a unique, mid-1700s American frontier–style home in the Shenandoah Valley that grew into a commercial business in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Prince William County crews begin work on 9/11 memorial

Prince William County crews have started the the design of the actual 9-11 memorial on the ellipse at the county's government center in Woodbridge VA "along with the conservation of the steel," according to Brendon Hanafin, chief of the county's Historic Preservation Division. Residents are invited to stop by and watch. Hanafin hopes the memorial will be completed by Sept. 11.

First paved road in Prince William County was in Buckland–not Manassas

Class of 1954 on mission to save Nokesville, VA school building

Members of the Brentsville High School Class of 1954 "want to make sure the building is not destroyed and" are preparing a petition to present to the Prince William County School Board that it be preserved," according to Helen Graves, a member of the class.

Investigating an historic house in Virginia

Prince William County Historic Preservation Division will sponsor a free May 16 talk on the tools and methods that historians and architects use to look at historic houses to determine their age, use and evolution over time.

Traveling Exhibition on Domestic Service closes today, April 21, at Manassas Museum

The story of Virginia’s largely African-American domestic service corps – the subject of a Manassas Museum exhibit, From Morning to Night: Domestic Service in the Gilded Age South– closes today, Sunday, April 21, at 5 p.m.

Volunteers needed April 6 at Park Day at Bristoe Station Battlefield

Volunteers are needed beginning at 8 a.m. at Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park in Bristow on Saturday, April 6, to pick up litter, construct and maintain trails and restore fences during Park Day.

McQuigg to reveal historical gems discovered among Prince William County records

Michèle B. McQuigg, Clerk of the Prince William County circuit court is set to reveal "important and previously unknown historical information" that was discovered when old circuit court records were digitized.

Free lessons Feb. 21 in Woodbridge on how to use Virginia slave name database

Virginia Historical Society will give five free presentations around the state this month about how to use the Virginia slave name database. A Feb. 21 presentation will be held in Woodbridge.

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