01/28/13 / Breaking News / Local Government / People & Places /
After serving as Prince William Public Library Director for 27 years, Dick Murphy has announced his retirement, to be effective June 30, 2013.
01/21/13 / Breaking News / People & Places /
Rep. Rob Wittman, a Va. Tech graduate who represents part of Prince William County in the United States Congress, said Jan. 21, according to a press release,"Though we face many challenges, today is a day to rise above conflict and party, to simply celebrate the honor to be an American..."
01/16/13 / Local Government / People & Places /
Bull Run Regional Library gadget gurus and Best Buy reps will give a free technical tutoring session on Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. at Bull Run Library.
01/14/13 / Education / People & Places /
Art works produced by 24 Prince William County students in grades 2-12 soon will be on exhibit at the Hylton Performing Arts Center in Manassas.
01/13/13 / Breaking News / People & Places /
Virginia State Del. Tim Hugo, who sponsored House Joint Resolution 632 to designate Korean American Day in 2007, recognized the contributions of Korean Americans and their special day in Virginia.
01/10/13 / Breaking News / People & Places /
Virginia State Sen. George Barker and State Delegate Rich Anderson, who represent part of the Prince William County area, will host a joint legislative town hall at the Westminster Retirement Community in Lake Ridge VA on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 10 a.m. to noon.
01/03/13 / Breaking News / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Jan. 3, 2013 includes report of mother arrested for arson and attempted murder of 3-year-old daughter.
01/01/13 / Breaking News / History / People & Places /
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell remembers the history-changing act of President Abraham Lincoln and places in Virginia "where our nation reunited."