FROM Prince William County Schools 08/21/16 / Education / People & Places /
Prince William County Public School officials project that they will hire 875 teachers and counselors this fall. The new educators participated in a two-day orientation and induction program—a conference on Aug. 18 at Freedom High School and an orientation at their schools on Aug. 19.
FROM Prince William County Schools 08/20/16 / Education / People & Places / Woodbridge /
“Do you know what you have accomplished? You have graduated on time! Yes! You did it! I know what it is to fight and be relentless in pursuit of your dreams,” he said. “If you don’t go get it you won’t have it…," Hamish Brewer told graduates of Prince William County Schools and adults in external diploma and GED programs at their recent graduation ceremony at Forest Park High School.
FROM Prince William County Schools 08/20/16 / Education / Manassas / People & Places / Woodbridge /
Three Prince William County educators have changed jobs within the school system as the new school year starts for 2016-17.
FROM Prince William County Police Reports 08/19/16 / Manassas / Nokesville / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
Prince William County VA Police Department's arrest report for Friday, Aug. 19, 2016.
08/19/16 / Health & Safety / People & Places / Transportation /
Motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians share responsibilities to ensure safety on the road. For example, motorists must pass bicyclists at a reasonable speed and at least 3 feet to the left of the cyclist. Bicyclists must obey all traffic laws. Pedestrians should wear reflective clothing and must walk, jog or run on the side of the road facing traffic.
08/19/16 / Breaking News / Environment / Health & Safety / Local Government / Nokesville / People & Places /
Effective Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016, the Saturday trash and recycling collection at the Old Nokesville Elementary School will move to the new Nokesville School located at 12375 Aden Road.
FROM Prince William County Police Reports 08/19/16 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
Prince William County Crime Solvers has launched next-generation anonymous tipline services for residents, businesses, and visitors to Prince William County.
08/19/16 / Breaking News / Education / Health & Safety / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat / Transportation /
Prince William County Police have joined law enforcement agencies throughout Virginia as part of the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign and the local Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign. The campaigns start today, Friday, Aug. 19, and continue through Monday, Sept. 5.