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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Manassas City Police Beat 4/10/12

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Tuesday, April 10, 2012 includes a spree of larcenies (9) from autos, several on the same street, April 7 and April 8, and vandalism to autos (5) as well. All 14 incidents have been posted as Crimesolvers cases and the investigation is continuing..

PWC Police Beat 4/9/12

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Monday, April 9. 2012 includes two charged with malicious wounding and two shootings as well as several burglaries.

Get your street smarts on April 1-7

The Prince William County VA Police Department invites County residents to help observe pedestrian and bicyclist safety during the “Street Smart” education and enforcement campaign during the week of April 1-7.

Bank robbery in Gainesville

Prince William County VA Police Department has posted a lookout and a Crime Solvers for a suspect in the armed robbery of the Bank of America in Gainesville shortly after noon today.

Manassas City Police Beat 3/30/12

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Friday, March 30, 2012 includes sketch.


Sketch of male sought by Manassas City Police

Manassas City Police Beat 3/29/12

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Thursday, March 29, 2012 includes vandalism of a swimming pool and armed robbery of an ice cream shop.

PWC Police Beat 3/29/12

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Thursday, March 29, 2012 includes burglaries to a wellness center and to a home.

Manassas City Police Beat 3/27/12

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Tuesday, March 27, 2012 includes marijuana citations, assaults on law enforcement officers, domestic assault, fraud and two hit-and-run incidents.

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