02/29/16 / Breaking News / Education / Transportation /
Bus delays are possible along the US Rte.1 corridor this afternoon due to a (non-school related incident) incident earlier today involving an overturned vehicle. Delays that begin with high school and middle school transportation could create ripple effects for elementary buses.
02/27/16 / Breaking News / Education / Health & Safety /
Prince William County Public Schools are the first in the nation to give teen-aged students, staff members, and families free access to a mobile app that is already helping college students avoid danger on college campuses nationwide, a news release said.
02/27/16 / Education /
More than 12,000 students in grades K-12 will enroll in summer school to take advantage of a variety of educational opportunities to improve academic achievement.
02/24/16 / Breaking News / Education / Environment / Health & Safety /
Due to the severe weather, the buses are being held at two Prince William County schools: Rippon MS and Featherstone ES. Update will be provided.
02/23/16 / Education / Health & Safety / Police & Fire Beat / Kids Konnection /
Parents are invited to attend a presentation on the dangers of social media by the Prince William County Police Department in collaboration with Prince William County Schools Wednesday, March 2 at 7 p.m. in the Hylton High School auditorium.
02/23/16 / Education / Good Eating / Money & Taxes /
Your tax dollars at work: Prince William County Schools announces that dinner is available at Gar-Field High School at no cost Monday through Thursday to students in after-school programs.
02/20/16 / Education / Environment / Manassas /
Trees will soon rise again on an unused part of the Stonewall Middle School property. Attend a community meeting at the school auditorium, Monday, February 22 at 7 p.m., to help decide the kind of trees to plant.
02/18/16 / Education /
The Elementary School Naming Committee has rescheduled its second community meeting to receive name suggestions for the “Ferlazzo” Elementary School, currently under construction in Woodbridge. The rescheduled meeting will be held Thursday, February 25, 2016, 7 p.m., in the cafeteria at Saunders Middle School in Manassas.