By Dawn Eischen, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 06/09/17 / Agriculture / Education / Good Eating / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes / State Government /
Virginia farmers have an incentive to donate excess product to nonprofit food banks due to the Food Crop Donation Tax Credit. Approved by the Virginia General Assembly during the 2016 Session, farmers who donate edible food crops to a nonprofit food bank can receive up to a 30 percent tax credit for their donation.
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/07/17 / Education / People & Places / Woodbridge / Kids Konnection /
King Elementary second-grade teacher Rebecca Kronthal, 2016-17 PWCS Teacher of the Year, is the School Division’s nominee for the Virginia Region IV Teacher of the Year. The Virginia Department of Education will select the 2018 Mary V. Bicouvaris Virginia Teacher of the Year from among the teachers selected as regional teachers of the year.
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/07/17 / Education / Health & Safety / People & Places / State Government / Woodbridge / Kids Konnection /
Governor Terry McAuliffe signed two bills at Forest Park High School June 6. The laws that become effective July 1 are designed to change the environment at Virginia schools, enhance professional development for school counselors, and save lives.
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/03/17 / Education / People & Places /
School Board members are invited to numerous school events scheduled in June. As many as three or more School Board members may attend any or all of the events listed below.
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/03/17 / Education / Health & Safety /
Prince William County School of Practical Nursing has recently been ranked as the number 10 program in the state of Virginia. This ranking was given by
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/03/17 / Education / People & Places / Religion /
“We regret the circumstances that led a Freedom High School administrator to question students about wearing a hijab or ask for proof of their religious reasons. The request was inconsistent with the PWCS commitment to diversity and religious freedom, and we apologize to anyone it may have offended," according to a news release.
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/03/17 / Education / Haymarket / History / People & Places /
Ashley Walsh, Latin teacher for Prince William County Schools' Virtual High School and Latin teacher at Battlefield High School, is the first-place national winner in a digital lesson design challenge.
FROM Prince William County Schools 06/03/17 / Education / Environment / Manassas / Nokesville / People & Places /
Jarrett Lash and Hanhbee Lee, juniors at the Governor’s School @ Innovation Park in Manassas and who also attend Patriot High School in Nokesville, took second place honors at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) with their design for a new way to capture solar energy by mimicking the natural process of photosynthesis--how plants convert sunlight to energy.