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Osbourn High School team to appear on It’s Academic Saturday, Jan. 4

The Osbourn High School It's Academic Team will be appearing on the TV quiz show, It's Academic, on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, beginning at at 10 a.m. on our local PBS channel. The episode was filmed on Saturday, October. 26, 2024.

GET SMART program introduces Benton Middle boys to engineering

Drawing on the success of its annual "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day," Benton Middle School debuted an event for boys this year.

Fauquier schools change spring break week and makeup days for 2018

The week of spring break is changed to March 26-30, 2018, one week earlier than originally designated. The change aligns the FCPS spring break with that of the majority of surrounding school divisions and allows for employees to be off on Good Friday,

Board Briefs from June 7 meeting of Prince William County School Board

On June 7, 2017, the Prince William County School Board approved, among other actions, purchase of 92.4 acres of land at University Boulevard for the proposed 13th high school; and reclassification of school nurses by moving them from the classified scale to the teacher's salary scale commensurate with how teachers are placed on the scale.

Mountain lion sighted near Chris Yung Elementary School in Bristow

About 3:20 p.m. Friday, June 9, Chris Yung Elementary School on Fog Light Way in Bristow was placed in secure-the-building status because a mountain lion was spotted near the school.

June 16 workshop for siblings of kids with special needs

Sibshops are lively, action-packed events that celebrate the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of kids with special needs. At the workshop which takes place on Friday, June 16, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m., brothers and sisters, age 8–12 years old, can talk about the challenges and joys of having a sibling who has a disability.

Enrollment for optional student accident insurance starts July 1

Student accident insurance is not only for those without health insurance. Optional student accident insurance is a secondary level of coverage for those students who are already covered under a parent or guardian’s primary insurance plan.

Independence non-traditional school under construction, set to open in fall of 2018

The first Prince William County nontraditional school for students from kindergarten through grade 12 is under construction and on track to see full occupancy in August 2018.

New food services director for PWC schools begins July 3

Adam Russo, formerly director of food services for Hanover County Public Schools, has been appointed director of School Food and Nutrition Services effective July 3, 2017. Russo replaces Serena Suthers who is retiring after decades of service. Other administrative appointments are noted.

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