04/08/20 / Education / Creative Arts /
The Prince William Art Society says it will be unable to award the Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship for 2020 due to the early closing of school.
04/07/20 / Education / Federal Government / Military /
US Senator Mark Warner’s Academy Day 2020 has been canceled. Those interested in attending a Service Academy should sign up to receive a video with the information.
FROM Virginia Department of Education 03/30/20 / Breaking News / Education / Federal Government / State Government / Kids Konnection /
The U.S. Department of Education has given Virginia permission to cancel federally mandated Standards of Learning tests during the 2019-2020 school year.
FROM Va. Dept. of Education 03/24/20 / Breaking News / Education / Health & Safety /
James Lane, Virginia's Superintendent of Public Instruction, is using his authority under Governor Ralph Northam’s Executive Order 51 to ensure that high school seniors who were on track to earn a diploma later this spring are able to graduate, despite school shutdowns for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year as a means of slowing the spread of COVID-19.
FROM Northern Virginia Community College 03/18/20 / Breaking News / Education / Health & Safety / Manassas /
Northern Virginia Community College closed its Manassas Campus, effective 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 17, until further notice following the determination that an employee tested positive for COVID-19. The employee had no contact with students.
FROM Steven Walta, Superintendent of Schools, Prince William County 03/12/20 / Breaking News / Education / Health & Safety / People & Places /
Recognizing any changes to school operations have significant impacts on students, I am announcing a number of actions only after serious and considerable deliberation with stakeholders across the County. Our goal is to continue to provide instruction in a safe and effective manner. At this time there is no known direct case of COVID-19 within any PWCS school. The following are changes I have directed today:
FROM Northern Virginia Community College Annandale Campus 10/31/24 / Education / Benefit Event / Creative Arts /
Just in time for holiday gift shopping, this pop-up sale features "a wide variety of artisan ceramics at bargain prices," and "all of the one-of-a-kind items that will be offered for sale at the event have been handcrafted by students and teachers."
05/10/24 / Education / Features / People & Places / Calendar of Events / Kids Konnection /
Creative and Performing Arts Center (CAPAC) will be presenting a theater robotics summer day camp for middle school students July 8-27.