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Osbourn High School team to appear on It’s Academic Saturday, Jan. 4

The Osbourn High School It's Academic Team will be appearing on the TV quiz show, It's Academic, on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, beginning at at 10 a.m. on our local PBS channel. The episode was filmed on Saturday, October. 26, 2024.

Stonewall Middle remembers Civil War in song

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Stonewall Middle School's Susan Dommer, Stonewall Middle School chorus teacher, has worked with her students to create a concert featuring songs from the Civil War. Her accompanist, Sarah Fairchild, researched the era and created new versions of the songs that commemorate the Civil War. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the start of that war.

May 20 was national Bike To Work Day

National Bike To Work Day was put to work around Prince William County.

PWCS and police to hold May 25 teen driver education program

Prince William police and schools are teaming up to offer a safe teen driving presentation on May 25 at Battlefield High School.

Cedar Point’s Space Week lifted off

Students at Cedar Point Elementary School
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in Bristow got a close-up view of flying machines, including a hot air balloon. Again this year, Cindy Brennan created a program designed to whet students' appetites to learn more about space programs and flight.

Glenkirk Elem. holds “Knight at the Museum”

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Glenkirk Elementary School in Gainesville, Va., hosted “Knight at the Museum” to display artwork from kindergarteners through fifth-graders. Artwork designed to honor America, such as the flag shown here, as well as creations to show celebrations in many countries around the world, adorned the walls of the school that opened its doors to the community to feature the many young artists.

Covington donates $5,000 to Parkside Middle School

Brentsville Supervisor Wally Covington donated $5,000
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to Parkside Middle School as matching funds for the school's single-event fall fundraiser. The money will go to technology upgrades at the Manassas school in Prince William County. Covington made good on his promise at the opening night of the Manassas school's "Beauty and the Beast" presentation in early May. Covington is shown here reading to school children at another area Prince William County school, Pace West, earlier this school year.

Manassas school chief tops in region

Virginia Association of School Superintendents names Dr. Gail Pope Bull Run photoof Manassas City Schools as top superintendent among 20 counties and cities in Region IV.

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