FROM the Office of US Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) 03/15/22 / Education / Federal Government / Military /
Senator Mark Warner will host his annual Academy Day on Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This is a virtual event that will be hosted on Accelevents. The event will offer students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.
FROM Prince William County Service Authority 03/14/22 / Education / Environment / Health & Safety / Local Government / Money & Taxes / Creative Arts / Kids Konnection /
Twenty-four local high school students received awards during the Prince William County Service Authority’s 2022 Water Art Invitational on Thursday, March 10.
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 03/08/22 / Education / Health & Safety / Police & Fire Beat / Woodbridge /
At the time of the incident, the school bus was occupied by four people: the bus driver and two family members identified as an infant and a 14-year-old male juvenile, and a bus attendant.
FROM UVA Health 02/21/22 / Breaking News / Education / Federal Government / Health & Safety / Volunteering /
UVA Health reports that it has joined a nationwide study evaluating two repurposed medications in the search for effective, safe treatments for mild-to-moderate COVID-19. Repurposed medications are already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of other diseases or conditions.
02/21/22 / Education / Local Government / Money & Taxes / Woodbridge /
The FY2023 Budget process calendar is available below. All meetings listed will take place in the Board Chambers of the James J. McCoart Administration Building in Woodbridge during the Board of County Supervisors meetings.
By LaTanya D. McDade, Ed.D. Superintendent Prince William County Public Schools 02/16/22 / Education / Health & Safety /
PWCS will be reviewing and revising our mitigation strategies as necessary to be consistent with the final version of the new legislation.
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 02/15/22 / Education / Good Eating / Health & Safety / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
Armed carjacking of food delivery vehicle in Dale City; threats of potential violence towards Saunders Middle School posted on Instagram.
02/09/22 / Education / Health & Safety / State Government /
Gov. Glenn Youngkin was quoted in a press release as saying,“In an overwhelming bipartisan show of support, the Senate of Virginia took a significant step Feb. 8 for parents and children. I applaud Senator Petersen’s amendment to give parents the right to decide whether their children should wear masks in schools...I look forward to signing this bill when it comes to my desk."