FROM Prince William County news reports 04/16/15 / Local Government / Military /
Board of County Supervisors will hold an Armed Forces & Memorial Day Ceremony at the War Memorial in Freedom Park on Saturday, May 16, 2015, at 10 a.m. Freedom Park is located on the grounds of the McCoart Government Complex in between the complex and Prince William Parkway.
04/14/15 / Local Government / Transportation /
Prince William Board of County Supervisors April 14 supported a resolution put forth by Gainesville Supervisor Pete Candland to initiate the process of removing the Bi-County Parkway from the Comprehensive Plan.
FROM Keep Prince William Beautiful 04/05/15 / Environment / Local Government /
Keep Prince William Beautiful (KPWB) is marking Litter Awareness Month. The month of April, or Prince William County's Litter Awareness Month, gives KPWB the opportunity to raise litter awareness, the laws associated with litter, and the social and environmental effects that littering has on our community.
03/24/15 / Local Government / Manassas / Money & Taxes /
Manassas City Council budget work session scheduled for March 25, 2015 has been CANCELLED. Items on that agenda will be considered on the work session agenda scheduled for April 8, 2015.
03/23/15 / Local Government / People & Places /
Historic Manassas, Inc. has received the Virginia Main Street Milestone Achievement Award for volunteer investment in downtown revitalization efforts. Since 1997, more than 60,000 volunteer hours have been donated to the historic downtown area for events and revitalization.
03/10/15 / Local Government / Money & Taxes / People & Places /
Prince William Committee of 100 will host its monthly dinner and program on Thursday, March 19 at the Wyndham Garden, 10800 Vandor Lane, Manassas, VA. Networking begins at 6:30 p.m.; dinner 7 p.m. and the program begins at 7:45 p.m. The program will examine budgetary challenges that ensue from the competing importance of the tax rate and funding critical needs in Prince William County.
By BENNIE SCARTON Jr. Observer staff 03/08/15 / Local Government / People & Places /
Paul O’Meara has announced that he is running for the Republican nomination in the Coles District for a seat on the Prince William Board of County Supervisors. O’Meara has been an outspoken advocate for the county taxpayers in recent years during public transportation meetings and Supervisor sessions.
By ROSE MURPHY Observer staff 03/08/15 / Local Government / People & Places /
I’m not a politician, just a concerned citizen. We need to focus on economic development. Fourteen percent of our real estate taxes comes from commercial development, and that must go up. That would solve all sorts of problems,” contended Chris Crawford. A Gainesville resident, he is running in the June 9 Republican primary against incumbent Corey Stewart for the chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors.