08/21/16 / Education / Local Government / People & Places /
Prince William County School Board will meet at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 27, at the law offices of Blankingship & Keith, Suite 300, 4020 University Drive, Fairfax, VA "for the sole purpose of receiving professional development training as required by Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:5, Standard 5 of Virginia’s Standards of Quality," according to a news release..
08/19/16 / Breaking News / Environment / Health & Safety / Local Government / Nokesville / People & Places /
Effective Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016, the Saturday trash and recycling collection at the Old Nokesville Elementary School will move to the new Nokesville School located at 12375 Aden Road.
FROM Prince William County Reports 08/18/16 / History / Local Government / People & Places / Woodbridge /
The 22 Prince William County residents who lost their lives at the Pentagon and at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, will be honored and remembered during a ceremony on Friday, Sept. 9, 2016, at 9 a.m. at the Liberty Memorial at the County Government Center in Woodbridge.
FROM PWC Department of Fire and Rescue 08/16/16 / Health & Safety / Local Government / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat / Real Estate /
Two adults were displaced by fire after a home in Dumfries struck by lightning Aug. 15, according to Prince William County Fire and Rescue.
08/09/16 / Education / Local Government /
One of the primary functions of the Prince William County School Board is the development of policies for the operation of the School Division. These policies cover instruction, administration, personnel, students, and other areas.
08/04/16 / Local Government / People & Places / Transportation / Woodbridge /
Following a nationwide search and competitive hiring process, the Board of County Supervisors announced Ricardo Canizales as the new Transportation Director for Prince William County. Canizales has worked for Prince William County's Department of Transportation for 14 years.
By TERRI ERWIN-FITZ, Observer staff 08/03/16 / Gainesville / Local Government / People & Places /
Gainesville District Supervisor Pete Candland held a town hall on Wednesday, July 20, at Park Valley Church to answer questions from residents about a variety of issues facing the county.
By BONNY R. FAHY Observer staff 08/03/16 / Education / Local Government / Money & Taxes / People & Places /
A shortage of acceptable and affordable school sites in the Lake Ridge area has forced Prince William County Public Schools to alter its plans to build two new elementary schools to help alleviate over-crowding in eastern Prince William County. Plans now call for construction of one elementary school at a site still to be determined, and classroom additions to three existing schools.