04/11/17 / Education / Environment / Local Government / Money & Taxes / Real Estate / Woodbridge /
Prince William Conservation Alliance will conduct Land Use 101, "a (free) workshop for homeowners, civic groups, realtors, students, and others interested in planning for a bright future" on Friday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
From Prince William County Reports 04/07/17 / Breaking News / Bristow / Local Government / Manassas / Transportation /
While Prince William County Schools are closed April 10-14, Prince William County road crews will continue working along sections of Va. 28 corridor for roadwork and shoulder widening.
04/07/17 / Education / Local Government /
Prince William County government and school leaders are scheduled to meet and discuss collaboration opportunities for a Joint Capital Improvement Program (CIP), according to a news release from Prince William County Schools. The Joint CIP Committee meetings will be held in April, May and June. The first meeting is April 22, 7:30-9 a.m. at the Stonewall Jackson High School library.
FROM Prince William County Reports 04/05/17 / Breaking News / Environment / Local Government / Parks & Recreation /
Seth Hendler-Voss is the new Parks and Recreation Director for Prince William County. He is a landscape architect, was a former town manager in North Carolina and previously worked in Asheville, NC and Atlanta, GA in parks and recreation.
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 03/28/17 / Local Government / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat /
Prince William County Police Department is recruiting for sworn law enforcement positions and a variety of law enforcement related civilian careers on Saturday, April 1, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Paul T. White Jr. Western District police station in Manassas. The station is off Wellington Rd. at 8900 Freedom Center Blvd., Manassas VA 20110.
03/26/17 / Gainesville / Haymarket / Local Government / Money & Taxes /
Gainesville Supervisor Pete Candland wants to hear from constituents on their priorities for the 2017-18 Prince William County budget.
FROM Manassas City Reports 03/23/17 / Environment / Health & Safety / Local Government /
The City of Manassas will mark Earth Day with a Spring RecycleFest on Saturday, April 1, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Manassas Transfer Station, at 8305 Quarry Road, in Manassas.
FROM Prince William County Government 03/06/17 / Local Government / Money & Taxes /
Taxpayers with questions about Prince William County's Proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Budget can visit the Office of Management and Budget online at http://www.pwcgov.org/government/dept/budget/pages/default.aspx and "get answers from the experts through an easy-to-use, interactive Budget Q&A app," according to a news release from county government.