By Sandy O'Connor 12/21/11 / Features / Local Government / People & Places /
Broad Run postal carrier Laura Wojtecki marvels at the joy she gets to bring others by delivering holiday packages.
By Gretchen L.H. O'Brien 12/06/11 / Breaking News / Local Government /
John Stirrup, who has been Gainesville
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Dick Black, Virginia senator-elect, spoke to voters about his background and his plans for office.
12/01/11 / Breaking News / Local Government /
John Cole will again be Santa's helper at the Town of Haymarket's annual holiday festivities on Dec. 3 in front of town hall on Washington Street.
10/28/11 / Breaking News / Local Government /
Job growth in Prince William County from March 2010 to March 2011 rose 4.3 percent, compared with the national average of 1.3 percent.
By Kyle West 10/26/11 / Breaking News / Local Government /
By Gretchen L.H. O'Brien 10/18/11 / Breaking News / Local Government /
Plan to build new Gainesville library in the works; it will come after the new planned library in Montclair.
10/06/11 / Local Government /
Local registrars and Va. Department of Motor Vehicles offices will register Virginia residents to vote until Oct. 17.
08/08/11 / Breaking News / Local Government /
Haymarket Gainesville Business Association holds Gainesville District supervisor GOP candidate forum.