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Western PWC Del. Lovejoy to file five anti-data center bills

Western Prince William Delegate Ian Lovejoy (R-22) has issued a news release saying he will submit five unique pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating growing data center impacts, particularly in Prince William County.

Broad Run postal carrier brings joy

Broad Run postal carrier Laura Wojtecki marvels at the joy she gets to bring others by delivering holiday packages.

Stirrup welcomes newcomers at last town hall meeting

John Stirrup, who has been Gainesville
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supervisor for eight years, introduced Peter Candland, who will take Stirrup's seat and Dick Black, against whom Stirrup ran for state senate, among other newcomers and old hands in the political arena at a Dec. 5 meeting at Haymarket's Battlefield High School. This was Stirrup's last town hall meeting, which started at 7:30 p.m. After the candidates spoke at the lectern, they participated in a question-and-answer session with audience members.

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Dick Black, Virginia senator-elect, spoke to voters about his background and his plans for office.

Cole saves kids from coal

John Cole will again be Santa's helper at the Town of Haymarket's annual holiday festivities on Dec. 3 in front of town hall on Washington Street.

PWC job growth more than doubles national average

Job growth in Prince William County from March 2010 to March 2011 rose 4.3 percent, compared with the national average of 1.3 percent.

High school seniors get ready to vote

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This Osbourn High School senior filled out her voter registration information in time for the next election. Many Prince William County high schools in the area offer voter registration for students who will turn 18 in time to vote. The Prince William County voter registration office is at 9250 Lee Ave. in Manassas. It can be reached at 703-792-6470. Its website, which offers voting information, is at

Gainesville, Montclair to get new libraries

Plan to build new Gainesville library in the works; it will come after the new planned library in Montclair.

Want to vote Nov. 8?

Local registrars and Va. Department of Motor Vehicles offices will register Virginia residents to vote until Oct. 17.

HGBA holds Aug. 16 supervisor candidate forum

Haymarket Gainesville Business Association holds Gainesville District supervisor GOP candidate forum.

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