FROM Prince William County Schools Reports 06/10/17 / Education / Money & Taxes / People & Places / Real Estate /
On June 7, 2017, the Prince William County School Board approved, among other actions, purchase of 92.4 acres of land at University Boulevard for the proposed 13th high school; and reclassification of school nurses by moving them from the classified scale to the teacher's salary scale commensurate with how teachers are placed on the scale.
By Dawn Eischen, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 06/09/17 / Agriculture / Education / Good Eating / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes / State Government /
Virginia farmers have an incentive to donate excess product to nonprofit food banks due to the Food Crop Donation Tax Credit. Approved by the Virginia General Assembly during the 2016 Session, farmers who donate edible food crops to a nonprofit food bank can receive up to a 30 percent tax credit for their donation.
By CHRISTINE RODRIGO, PRTC 06/07/17 / Money & Taxes / People & Places / Transportation /
Participate in the 12th annual National Dump the Pump Day on Thursday, June 15 with PRTC, and you and a friend could win a free SmarTrip card or a Starbucks gift card!
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 06/05/17 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / Local Government / Money & Taxes / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
The Prince William County Police Department will deploy Body Worn Cameras this fall. The roll out of the Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) will begin in September and continue through the end of the year.
FROM Va. Farm Bureau Federation 06/01/17 / Education / Federal Government / Good Eating / Money & Taxes /
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue is working to bring back 1 percent flavored milk to the National School Lunch and School Breakfast program, according to a news release from Va. Farm Bureau Federation.
FROM Prince William County Schools 05/24/17 / Education / Money & Taxes / People & Places / Woodbridge /
Elected officials, staff, students, and nearly 300 families joined Prince William County Schools Superintendent Steve Walts to officially rededicate R. Dean Kilby Elementary School in Woodbridge on May 23. The bright, spacious, and colorful building replaces the school that opened on the same site in 1959, some 56 years ago.
FROM Prince William County Reports 05/24/17 / Local Government / Manassas / Money & Taxes / People & Places / Books & Libraries / Kids Konnection / Volunteering /
Joyce Phillips, a former chairman of the Prince William Library Board of Trustees and a retired school teacher, was honored recently when the pavilion at Independent Hill Neighborhood Library in Manassas was named the Joyce Phillips Pavilion during the library's 30th anniversary celebration.
FROM the Office of Congresswoman Barbara Comstock 05/24/17 / Federal Government / Money & Taxes / People & Places /
"As with any budget whether from a Democrat or Republican administration, Congress sets the priorities in the budget process and will appropriate funds accordingly," said Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-10)