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Virginia farmer and his son at top of national list for corn production

Charles City County farmer David Hula of Renwood Farms Inc. has topped nationwide yields for the 13th time, producing a 490.63 bushels-per-acre yield in the 2024 National Corn Growers Association Corn Yield Contest, according to the Virginia Farm Bureau. Sharing accolades in the irrigated strip-till category is Hula's son, Craig, who placed second with 461.30 bushels per acre.

Va. Farm Bureau survey: Average price of Thanksgiving meal in Virginia is $63.66

The survey of common grocery items found on Thanksgiving tables places the average cost of a traditional meal for 10 adults at $63.66, or $6.37 per person. The survey menu included turkey, ham, stuffing, sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, rolls, carrots, celery, cranberries, green beans, peas, milk and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

Atif Qarni, former PWC teacher, will lead “Crunch” as Va. schools support agriculture industry

All Virginians are encouraged to make some noise for local Farm to School programs today (Tuesday, Oct. 5) by celebrating the fifth annual “Crunch Heard ‘Round the Commonwealth” from 1–1:15 p.m. The social media promotion features Virginians taking a bite out of a Virginia Grown apple and sharing their images and videos. Atif Qarni, Secretary of Education, and Heidi Hertz, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, will lead the crunch today during the annual Virginia Farm to School Conference, which is virtual again this year due to the pandemic.

Regional pesticide collection Sept. 10 at James Long Park in Haymarket

Anyone wanting to dispose of unwanted pesticides must complete and submit a brochure ahead of time and bring the unwanted items on the day of the event either to the Fairfax or Prince William locations.

2021 State Fair focuses on agriculture, the state’s largest industry

Virginia’s agricultural heritage is at the heart of the State Fair of Virginia, and agricultural activities continue in 2021 with a long list of farm-related attractions. The fair, canceled in 2020, will be held Sept. 24-Oct 3 at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County about 1.5 hours on I-95 south from Rte/ 234.

Learning encounter with bees Aug. 7 at Rippon Lodge in Woodbridge

During the “Bee Encounter at Rippon Lodge,” from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Aug. 7, visitors to the historic property, at 15520 Blackburn Road in Woodbridge, will have the chance to learn about the history of beekeeping and the intriguing life of bees. “It’s going to be a lot of fun,” said Rippon Historic Site Manager Jessica Alicea.

Crop Insurance 101 webinar set for July 20 - open to all farmers nationnwide

Farmers and ranchers nationwide are invited to participate in a webinar on July 20 from noon to 1 p.m., CT, which will provide an overview of available federal crop insurance options.

Agriculture is Virginia’s biggest industry and June 13-19 is Va. Agriculture Week

Governor Ralph Northam has issued a proclamation declaring June 13–19 as Virginia Agriculture Week to recognize and celebrate the many contributions of the Commonwealth’s agricultural community. The Governor, First Lady, and Northam Administration officials will visit sites throughout Virginia to highlight the economic impact of the agriculture industry and the role of farmers and agribusinesses.

Hurricane season begins June 1; get prepared for storm emergencies

Forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service, predict a 60% chance of above-normal activity this season. However, experts do not anticipate the historic level of storm activity seen in 2020.

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